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Soccer-Reaction to Southgate leaving role as England boss

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Adds quotes from David Beckham, Sam Allardyce and Mark Bullingham

July 16 (Reuters) -Gareth Southgate resigned from his role as England manager on Tuesday following their Euro 2024 final loss to Spain.

Following are quotes and reaction:


"Gareth's time as England manager will be remembered for bringing back the hope and belief the country had been crying out for for so long.

"He and his teams have given us so much. No-one will forget the run to the World Cup semi-final in 2018 or making our first two finals of the Euros. The wins over Germany and Denmark at Wembley in 2021 were utterly joyous, coming just as crowds were allowed back in after the dark days of Covid.

"Gareth also brought a deeper understanding of what the job means and represents. During turbulent times, he has been a thoughtful spokesperson on events far beyond football.

"He has been a mentor to our brilliant young talent. And at every step of the way, he has shouldered the dreams of the country with dignity and honour.

"I join with everyone today in saying thank you to both Gareth and his team for all they have achieved and for laying the foundations for future success."


"Gareth, I want to thank you - not as the President of the FA, but as an England fan.

"Thank you for creating a team that stands shoulder to shoulder with the world's finest in 2024. Thank you for showing humility, compassion, and true leadership under the most intense pressure and scrutiny.

"And thank you for being an all-round class act. You should be incredibly proud of what you've achieved. W."


"We look back at Gareth's tenure with huge pride - his contribution to the English game, including a significant role in player development, and in culture transformation has been unique. However, it is his record of winning tournament games which is most extraordinary.

"Gareth has made the impossible job possible and laid strong foundations for future success. He is held in the highest regard by the players, the backroom team, by everyone at the FA and across the world of football."


"His legacy is successful, there's no doubt about that," Allardyce told Sky.

"From when he took over and to where he's finished has been nothing but success and the success of Gareth, his backroom staff on the players has to be admired.

"I think he's handled himself absolutely fantastically well. And I think eight years is an awful long time to cope with the pressures that this job brings."


"You wasn't just one of our most successful managers but you also did it with elegance. Congratulations to you and your staff."


"Wishing Gareth Southgate all the very best in the future. He brought pride, respect and a togetherness to England that we hadn't seen for a long time. He was close, very close to footballing immmortality and he always did the job with humility, decency and dignity. Thank you, Gareth."


"It's been a great ride for all involved over the last eight years. Two finals, semi-final and a quarter final in Gareth Southgate's four tournaments is a very tough act to follow!"


"I also want to say a special thank you to the boss for always believing in me during his time with us and I would like to wish him all the best in his next steps. Thank you Gareth."


"You made us all believe again - memories that will last forever. Thank you boss."


"Thank you Gaffer. It's been a privilege to play for England under your guidance. Memories that will stay with me forever. All the best in your next adventure."

Compiled by Shifa Jahan and Pearl Josephine Nazare in Bengaluru
Editing by Christian Radnedge and Toby Davis


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