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Orcel uses hammer to unpick UniCredit-Commerz lock

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Liam Proud

LONDON, Sept 11 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Andrea Orcel is taking the blunt approach to a potential deal with Commerzbank CBKG.DE. The boss of 60-billion-euro UniCredit CRDI.MI has snapped up a 9% stake in his 15-billion-euro Frankfurt-based rival, which looks a prelude to a full takeover proposal. It’s more financially appealing than the nuanced deal structures of the past, but also likely to be more politically controversial.

UniCredit said on Wednesday morning that it had bought 4.5% of Commerzbank from the German government, which last week announced it would reduce its 16.5% holding. The acquisition carried a 5% premium to Tuesday’s closing price. UniCredit built up the rest of its 9% stake in recent weeks by buying shares on the market in anticipation of a government selldown, according to a person familiar with the situation.

The approach looks starkly different to the deal former UniCredit CEO Jean-Pierre Mustier sketched out in 2019. According to a person involved in the negotiations, the failed transaction involved merging the Italian group’s German business with Commerz to create a Frankfurt-listed company, in which UniCredit would hold a controlling stake. That made it palatable to German authorities. The problem was that some UniCredit board members felt the deal could eventually imply a breakup of the Italian parent.

This time, UniCredit instead favours a straightforward takeover of Commerzbank, according to a person familiar with the bank’s thinking. By owning the German lender in its entirety, Orcel could bank a funding boost for UniCredit, since Teutonic banks tend to have cheaper wholesale borrowing costs than Italian ones. Crucially, as a full owner he would be in a better position to wring out cost savings from the enlarged entity, which would have 8.6 billion euros of annual operating expenses, using 2024 Visible Alpha consensus forecasts for Commerzbank and UniCredit Germany.

Assume Orcel could save 20% of combined costs, at the low end for European bank M&A. The annual savings would be 1.7 billion euros. Taxed at 30% and capitalised using a 10% discount rate, the synergies would have a present value of 12 billion euros, equivalent to 80% of Commerzbank’s undisturbed market value. That implies Orcel has scope to pay a generous premium while still pleasing his own shareholders. Separately, an 8.4-billion-euro gap between the fair value and carrying value of Commerz’s assets could shrink as interest rates fall, softening the blow to UniCredit.

The bigger problem is getting Berlin on side without a Mustier-style compromise. One positive is that the government agreed to sell the stake, potentially suggesting a favourable view towards UniCredit. Still, the government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is in a tricky position given the rise of the far-right in recent regional elections. Ahead of next year’s federal poll, former Finance Minister Scholz may be reluctant to let a backbone of the Mittelstand economy fall into Italian hands. Orcel’s direct approach carries higher rewards, but also higher risks.

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Italy’s UniCredit on Sept. 11 said that it had acquired a 9% stake in Germany’s Commerzbank and will “explore value creating opportunities for all stakeholders in both banks”.

The bank, run by Andrea Orcel, bought about half of the shares from the German government and the rest on the market, UniCredit said in a statement. The company will seek regulatory permission to potentially take its stake above 9.9%.

Commerzbank said in a statement that UniCredit’s purchase was a testament to the progress the German lender has made, and that it will act in the best interest of all its shareholders and key stakeholders. A trade union secretary who sits on Commerzbank’s board said that he would fight against any potential takeover.

Deutsche Bank said on Sept. 11 that it would not comment on the purchase. “As our CEO said last week, Deutsche Bank is focused on its growth strategy and our return on tangible equity target of above 10% for 2025,” the bank said in a statement.

Shares in Commerzbank rose 15% to 14.53 euros as of 0855 GMT on Sept. 11. UniCredit shares were flat, while Deutsche’s were down 1%.

UniCredit's valuation leaves Commerzbank in the dust https://reut.rs/3B8vizQ

Editing by George Hay and Oliver Taslic


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