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Italy - Factors to watch on May 27

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


The G7 will explore ways to use the future income from frozen Russian assets to boost funding for war-torn Ukraine, finance chiefs from the Group of Seven industrial democracies said on Saturday, but offered no details of how to do so after their meeting in Italy.

The European Union should follow the example of the United States and protect its industry by imposing tariffs on Chinese products, Italian Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Saturday.

Two pan-European umbrella groups on the furthest right of the political spectrum have no plans to merge but have plenty of room to work together in key areas, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Friday.


There is growing consensus within the European Central Bank over the need for a first rate cut as inflation is diminishing, creating the conditions to ease its monetary policy, ECB policymaker Fabio Panetta said on Saturday.

Recent economic data strengthens the European Central Bank's confidence about lowering borrowing costs as inflation eases, ECB board member Piero Cipollone said on Sunday.


The Italian Treasury said on Friday it would offer 6 billion euros in 6-month BOT bills at an auction on May 29.

Economy Ministry announces sale of BTP and CCTeu bonds, with relative amounts to be auctioned on May 30.



Italian banks must halt their business in Russia as staying in the country also brings a "reputational problem," European Central Bank policymaker Fabio Panetta said on Saturday.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Reuters that European banks face growing risks operating in Russia and the U.S. is looking at strengthening its secondary sanctions on banks found to be aiding transactions for Russia's war effort.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Friday that her government had not yet taken any decision regarding the possible sale of further stakes in the group, adding that the company would in any case remain under state control.


Negotiations between the government and the auto maker will end in the coming days with an agreement under which Stellantis commits to increasing its annual production in Italy to 1 million vehicles, Industry Minister Adolfo Urso said on Saturday speaking at a business conference in Trento.

Urso also said that in the coming months the country would be able to attract a second car maker to base part of its production in the country.

(*) Stellantis is expected to announce plans on Monday to introduce a hybrid version of its 500e EV car, to be built in Turin, Italy, Automotive News Europe reported on Monday as the group meets representatives of the national unions.


Ferrari's Charles Leclerc won the Monaco Grand Prix on Sunday to become the first home winner of Formula One's showcase race since Louis Chiron raced around the city streets in 1931


The company, which operates in sectors including pasta, milk and dairy, said on Monday it had signed an agreement to buy British group Princes for an enterprise value of 700 million pounds ($891.87 million) to be paid in cash and in Newlat shares. Newlat will achieve consolidated revenues of about 3 billion euros thanks to the acquisition.


Juventus completed their Serie A campaign with a comfortable 2-0 home win over Monza on Saturday thanks to first-half goals from Federico Chiesa and Alex Sandro, who played his last match for the club.


The club drew 1-1 with Sassuolo on Sunday.


Palermo, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni signs government agreement with Sicily regional authorities.

Milan, Mytilineos MYTr.AT holds event for the opening of its new offices (1530 GMT) with Cabinet Undersecretary Alessandro Morelli, Deputy Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Valentino Valentini, energy authority ARERA Commissioner Stefano Saglia, Althesys CEO Alessandro Marangoni, Mytilineos Energy & Metals Chairman Evangelos G. Mytilineos.

Turin, Stellantis STLAM.MI holds event 'Stellantis future perspectives' (1500 GMT); CEO Carlos Tavares meets representatives from trade unions FIM, FIOM, UILM, UGLM, FISMIC AQCFR.

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

FTSE IT allshare index .FTITLMS

FTSE Mib index........ .FTMIB

FTSE Allstars index... .FTSTAR

FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

For pan-European market data and news, click on codes in

European Equities speed guide...................EUR/EQUITY

FTSEurofirst 300 index...............................FTEU3

DJ STOXX index.......................................STOXX

Top 10 STOXX sectors............................PGL.STOXXS

Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors.......................PGL.STOXXES

Top 10 Eurofirst 300 sectors....................PGL.FTEU3S

Top 25 European pct gainers........................PG.PEUR

Top 25 European pct losers.........................PL.PEUR

Main stock markets:

Dow Jones................DJI Wall Street report ......N

Nikkei 225..............N225 Tokyo report.............T

FTSE 100................FTSE London report............L

Xetra DAX..............GDAXI Frankfurt market stories.F

CAC-40..................FCHI Paris market stories....PA

World Indices.....................................0#.INDEX

Reuters survey of world bourse outlook.........EQUITYPOLL1

Western European IPO diary..........................WEUIPO

European Asset Allocation........................EUR/ASSET

Reuters News at a Glance: Equities...............TOP/EQE

Main currency report:...............................FRX/

($1 = 0.7849 pounds)


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