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Italy - Factors to watch on June 10

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's arch-conservative Brothers of Italy group won the most votes in this weekend's European parliamentary election, initial results showed, boosting her standing both at home and abroad.

(*) Gains by the far-right in voting for the European Parliament on Sunday prompted a bruised French President Emmanuel Macron to call a snap national election and added uncertainty to Europe's future political direction.

(*) Europe's nationalist parties capitalised in the European Parliament election on voter disquiet over spiralling prices, migration and the cost of the green transition and will now seek to translate their seat gains into influence on EU policy.


ISTAT releases April industrial output data (0800 GMT).


Treasury announces sale of BTP bonds, with relative amounts to be auctioned on June 13.

Treasury said on Friday it would offer up to 7.5 billion euros in BOT bills at June 12 auction.



The car maker has preventively extended a recall of vehicles with potentially faulty airbags to more Citroen and DS models, as well as the Opel brand, a spokespeople told Reuters on Friday.

(*) European governments may be wary of budget Chinese electric vehicles flooding their markets but they're also fiercely competing for a share of the manufacturing investment and jobs the new competitors bring.


Ahead of the expiry of the lockup period stopping the Italian Treasury from selling new shares in the Tuscan bank, Corriere della Sera on Sunday reiterated that one of the possibilities being explored is to place shares with a selected group of investors to create a more stable core of shareholders than the investment funds that have bought into the share placements so far.


The Italian economy ministry and the Spanish fund Asterion are finalising an joint bid of around 800 million euros to be presented to Tim for the purchase of Sparkle's submarine cable network, daily Repubblica reported on Sunday. The Treasury would take control of 51% of the company.


The Italian power grid operator said on Friday it had increased the amount of its Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN) to 12 billion euros.


The cable maker said on Friday it had approved the start of a program to buy back a maximum of 375 million euros ($405.00 million) worth of its shares.


The Rome-based company has joined forces with Acquedotto Pugliese to bid for 30% of Treausury-owned regional water group Acqua del Sud, several Italian newspapers reported on Saturday.


S.G.G. Holding said on Sunday it increased its offer on the getter company to 28 euros per shares, from 26.3 euros, adding the price, which offers a 12.4% premium over the price recorded on April 15, would be the "best and final".


The Italian steelmaker has decided to freeze a plan to list on the Milan bourse, Milano Finanza reported on Saturday, adding the family-owned group has not set a new date for the project.


Rome, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti delivers welcome addresses at event "Improving human life and technology, 2024-2028 strategic plan and national platforms" (0800 GMT).

Milan, ISPI holds event "G7 & the Rest: The Quest for Economic Security" with Dutch Foreign Minister Daniel Kooij, Peter Sandler from European Commission (1230 GMT).

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

FTSE IT allshare index .FTITLMS

FTSE Mib index........ .FTMIB

FTSE Allstars index... .FTSTAR

FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

For pan-European market data and news, click on codes in

European Equities speed guide...................EUR/EQUITY

FTSEurofirst 300 index...............................FTEU3

DJ STOXX index.......................................STOXX

Top 10 STOXX sectors............................PGL.STOXXS

Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors.......................PGL.STOXXES

Top 10 Eurofirst 300 sectors....................PGL.FTEU3S

Top 25 European pct gainers........................PG.PEUR

Top 25 European pct losers.........................PL.PEUR

Main stock markets:

Dow Jones................DJI Wall Street report ......N

Nikkei 225..............N225 Tokyo report.............T

FTSE 100................FTSE London report............L

Xetra DAX..............GDAXI Frankfurt market stories.F

CAC-40..................FCHI Paris market stories....PA

World Indices.....................................0#.INDEX

Reuters survey of world bourse outlook.........EQUITYPOLL1

Western European IPO diary..........................WEUIPO

European Asset Allocation........................EUR/ASSET

Reuters News at a Glance: Equities...............TOP/EQE

Main currency report:...............................FRX/

($1 = 0.9259 euros)


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