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Deals of the day-Mergers and acquisitions

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Adds: Apax Partners, BP, Masdar, Honeywell, AMG, Apax Partners Updates: Tate & Lyle, Carlyle Group

June 20 (Reuters) -The following bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals were reported by 1330 GMT on Thursday:

** Apax Partners has held initial talks with potential advisers and investors as it considers selling Italy's Lutech, two sources told Reuters, adding that a sale could value the IT services provider at around 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion). nL1N3II0EY

** BP BP.L has agreed to buy grain trader Bunge's BG.N 50% stake in Brazilian sugar and ethanol joint venture BP Bunge Bioenergia for $1.4 billion in a bet on growing demand for low-carbon biofuels. nL4N3II0WI

** United Arab Emirates renewable energy company Masdar said it has reached an agreement to buy an initial 67% stake in Greece's Terna Energy TENr.AT and intends to make a mandatory offer to buy the rest. nL4N3II0W9

** Honeywell HON.O has agreed to buy aerospace and defense technology company CAES Systems for $1.9 billion from private equity firm Advent International, it said, to give a boost to the manufacturing giant's aerospace technologies unit. nL4N3II0SR

** Britain's Tate & Lyle TATE.L has struck a $1.8 billion deal to buy U.S.-based CP Kelco to boost its speciality ingredients business and tap demand for plant-based products.nL4N3II0FR

** Dutch miner AMG AMG.AS has acquired a 15.77% stake in London-based Savannah Resources SAVS.L to become the largest shareholder in the company that is developing a lithium project in northern Portugal, the companies said. nL8N3II0HU

** Private equity firms Carlyle Group Inc CG.O and KKR KKR.N are the top bidders for U.S. credit card issuer Discover Financial's DFS.N $10 billion U.S. student loan portfolio, the Financial Times reported. nL4N3II0AF

** British consultancy firm Alpha Financial Markets Consulting AFM.L said it has agreed to private equity firm Bridgepoint's BPTB.L nearly 626 million pounds ($795.33 million) takeover proposal. nL4N3II0J0

** NatWest NWG.L has struck a deal to acquire most of the banking business of UK retailer Sainsbury's SBRY.L, the companies said, in a deal that would increase the British lender's assets by 2.5 billion pounds ($3.2 billion). nL8N3II074

** Nippon Steel's 5401.T proposed acquisition of U.S. Steel X.N risks raising decarbonisation costs for Japan's top steelmaker, an activist shareholder group said, urging the company to address the takeover's impact on its climate goals. nL1N3II09A

** South Korea's SK Networks 001740.KS said it plans to sell its 100% stake in SK Rent A Car Co Ltd to private equity firm Affinity Equity Partners for 820 billion won ($592.59 million). nP8N3FQ01Q

** Vanda Pharmaceuticals VNDA.O said on Wednesday that it has rejected takeover offers from UK-based Cycle Pharmaceutical and a revised bid from contract manufacturer Future Pak, adding that both offers undervalue the U.S. drugmaker. nL4N3II01T

** Australia's competition regulator said the proposed acquisition of Namoi Cotton NAM.AX by Singapore's Olam Agri IPO-OLAA.SI for A$144.9 million ($96.7 million) raised competition concerns in the supply of cotton ginning services. nL1N3IH0UF

** South Korea's SK Innovation 096770.KS, parent of the country's largest oil refiner and battery maker SK On, is expected to pursue a merger with energy affiliate SK E&S, resulting in a 106 trillion won ($76.81 billion) asset company, a South Korean newspaper reported. nL1N3II006

** Business payments firm Corpay CPAY.N said on Wednesday it would acquire GPS Capital Markets for $725 million as it looks to scale its corporate payments business to nearly $2 billion by 2026. nL1N3IH0SP

** Vodafone Group VOD.L has sold a bigger-than-planned 18% stake in India's Indus Towers INUS.NS, raising $1.82 billion that will serve to reduce its debt, the British telecom group said on Wednesday. nL4N3IH0CU

** Britain's competition regulator said on Wednesday it was investigating whether Hewlett Packard Enterprise's HPE.N planned $14 billion acquisition of Juniper Networks JNPR.N would result in competition concerns in the country. nL4N3IH0RH

** Switzerland's financial regulator on Wednesday ruled that the UBS UBSG.S takeover of Credit Suisse did not create any competition concerns, despite recommendations from the country's antitrust watchdog that it merited further scrutiny. nL8N3IH09S

** Societe Generale SOGN.PA has agreed to sell its subsidiary Shine, which offers online business accounts, to Ageras, the French bank said on Wednesday. nFWN3IG0Z3

(Compiled by Rajarshi Roy and Arasu Kannagi Basil in Bengaluru)


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