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Chipmakers' plans for factories in Europe, US and Asia

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Adds details on investments from TSMC, Samsung, STMicroelectronics, SK Hynix, Rapidus and VDL

May 31 (Reuters) - Chipmakersacross the globe are pouring billions of dollars into newplants, encouraged by the rising use of semiconductors in everyday devices and generous subsidies from the United States and the EU aimed at keeping the West ahead of China in the race for cutting-edge technology.

The European Commission has earmarked 15 billion euros for public and private semiconductor projects by 2030, while U.S. President Joe Biden's administration passed the CHIPS Act last year to provide more than $52 billion in subsidies to the American semiconductor industry.

The Act deters companies using U.S. funds from undertaking any big expansion of overseas semiconductor manufacturing facilities in "countries of concern" such as China for 10 years, with some exceptions.

India, Taiwan and South Korea have also offered incentives such as tax breaks to boost domestic chip production.

Below are some of the chipmakers' plans for factories in Europe, North America and Asia:




Intel INTC.O

In 2022, Intel said it would invest up to $100 billion to build potentially the world's largest chip-making complex in Ohio. The company also broke ground on two new factories in Arizona in September 2021.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd (TSMC)2330.TW

TSMC said in December 2022 it plans to invest $40 billion in its chip plant in Arizona. The plant is scheduled to be operational in 2024. In April this year, the company agreed toexpand its planned investment by $25 billion to $65 billion and add a third Arizona fab by 2030.

Wolfspeed Inc WOLF.N

In September 2022, Wolfspeed said it would build a new multi-billion dollar silicon carbide wafer factory in Chatham County, North Carolina to make chips that power things such as electric vehicles. Wafers are raw materials used for making chips.

Micron Technology MU.O

In October 2022, Micron said it planned to invest up to $100 billion over the next 20-plus years to build a computer chip factory complex in upstate New York. The company also announced a $15 billion factory in Boise, Idaho in September.

GlobalFoundries GFS.O

GlobalFoundries in July 2021 said it will build a second factory near its in Malta, New York, headquarters, and spend $1 billion to boost output to address the global chip shortage. The company will also expand existing operations there and in Burlington, Vermont, according to a preliminary agreement with the U.S. Commerce Department in February this year.

Texas Instruments TXN.O

The company has several wafer fab projects underway, including in Richardson and Sherman in Texas and in Lehi, Utah. It expects production at the Utah fab, which it bought from Micron for $900 million, to commence in 2026

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 005930.KS

In 2021, Samsung said it would invest in a $17 billion chip plant in Taylor, Texas to make advanced chips for mobile, 5G, high-performance computing and artificial intelligence. The chip plant would cost Samsungover $25 billion, up more than $8 billion from initial forecasts,Reuters exclusively reported last year.

SkyWater Technology SKYT.O

It announced plans in July 2022 toinvest $1.8 billion for a chip research and production facility in Indiana, in partnership with the state and Purdue University.

SK Hynix 000660.KS

SK Hynix said in April it would invest around $3.87 billion to build an advanced packaging plant, and research and development facility for AI products in Indiana.




Infineon IFXGn.DE

Infineon won approval to begin work on a 5 billion euro ($5.42 billion)semiconductor plant in the German city of Dresden, it said on February 2023. Production is due to start in 2026.

Intel INTC.O

Intel will spend more than 30 billion euros to develop two plants in Magdeburg, the German city it picked in March 2022 as a key part of its $88 billion investment drive across Europe.

The U.S. chipmaker will get 10 billion euros in subsidies from Germany, a source told Reuters.

STMicroelectronics STM.BN

The Franco-Italian company said in October 2022 it plans to build a 730 million euro silicon carbide wafer plant in Italy. Building is due to be complete in 2026.

It also announced plans in July 2022 to build a semiconductor factory in France in partnership with GlobalFoundries GFS.O.

The European Commissionapproved Italian state aid for the company in May to build a 5 billion euro ($5.43 billion) chip plant.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd (TSMC)2330.TW

In May this year, TSMC said it planned tostart construction of its first European facility in Dresden, Germany, in the fourth quarter of 2024, with production expected to begin in 2027.

Wolfspeed Inc WOLF.N

The chipmaker will build a $3-billion electric vehicle chip plant and a research and development centre in Germany, it said on February last year.

Production is planned to start in 2027 in the German state of Saarland, with Wolfspeed's Chief Executive Gregg Lowe telling Reuters the plant is expected to rank as the world's biggest production facility for chips made out of silicon carbide.

Silicon Box

Singapore-based semiconductor firm Silicon Box will invest 3.2 billion euros in a new plant in northern Italy under a government-backed deal, the Italian industry ministry said in March this year.




Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd (TSMC)2330.TW

TSMC said in February that its majority-owned unit Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing in Kumamoto wouldbuild a second fabrication plant, bringing total investment in its Japan venture to more than $20 billion with the support of the Tokyo government.

The company is looking at building advanced packaging capacity in Japan, according to a Reuters report in March , citing two sources familiar with the matter.

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 005930.KS

Samsung said in March last year it will invest around 300 trillion won ($218.49 billion) by2042 to develop what the government called the world's largest chip-making base, in line with efforts to enhance South Korea's chip industry.

Micron Technology MU.O

Micron said it would invest $603 million over the next few years in its chip packaging facility in China's Xian city.

STMicroelectronics STMPA.PA

STMicroelectronics and Sanan Optoelectronics 600703.SS plan to set up a silicon carbide manufacturing joint venture in Chongqing, China.


Japan's state-backed Rapidus broke ground on its plant in Japan's northern city of Chitose, a manufacturing hub on the nation's northern island of Hokkaido, in September last year.


Dutch high tech firm VDL will build a new factory to make semiconductor manufacturing components in Vietnam, it said in March.

($1 = 0.9232 euros)

($1 = 1,373.0800 won)

($1 = 0.9217 euros)

Reporting by Antonis Pothitos in Gdansk, Tiyashi Datta, Aditya Soni, Akash Sriram, Harshita Mary Varghese and Arsheeya Bajwa in Bengaluru, Juby Babu in Mexico City; editing by Josephine Mason, Mark Potter, Krishna Chandra Eluri, Anil D'Silva, Vinay Dwivedi and Sriraj Kalluvila


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