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Technical Analysis – Is Visa stock set for its next bull run?

Visa stock trends southwards; reaches crucial support area Technical signals remain discouraging; bears could take control below 258 Earnings scheduled for release today after market close   Visa stock is currently located at the bottom of a short-term bearish channel and around the 200-day exponential moving average (EMA) at 264.50, which has been a critical pivot point since late 2022. Hence, it will be intriguing to observe if the stock can reverse its direction and move upwards

Visa stock is hovering above the busy 235.75-237.30 area, after climbing to 245.14 on July 17, the highest level since August 2, 2021. It has been an impressive period for Visa bulls since the October 13, 2022 trough with a bullish pattern of higher highs and higher lows developing over this timeframe. The market, though, is now preparing for Tuesday’s Q2 earnings report.

Visa stock has recovered from the May 31, 2023 dip but has failed to make significant gains. It remains under pressure despite the overall bullish market sentiment, and it is hovering inside the 228.44-225.96 range. There is a sense of anticipation in the market as both the simple moving averages’ (SMAs) convergence and the tightening Bollinger bands point to an imminent move.

Daily Market Comment – Dollar and stocks struggle amid anxious calm before the storm

Tech earnings and US data awaited for direction as outlook remains clouded Lingering uncertainties drag US yields and the dollar lower; debt ceiling in focus Yen firms slightly after Ueda opens the door to future policy tightening Markets turn tense in wait-and-see mode Stocks slid on Tuesday while the US dollar crawled above fresh lows as investor anxiety was running high following a tense session on Monday amid a number of uncertainties weighing on the markets.

Technical Analysis – Visa bulls delighted with latest move, ready for higher high

Visa not only survived the mid-March market rout but also managed to reach a higher high of 234.75 on April 14. It is recording an impressive 34% rally since the October 13, 2022 low of 174.50 and the stock is now trading a tad below the busy 235.75-237.30 area. The bulls are clearly enjoying this period, especially as the short-term bullish trend is supported by a series of higher highs and higher lows.

Technical Analysis – Visa stock remains bullish ahead of earnings

Visa stock is experiencing some gains above 220.00 support level and is moving towards the nine-month high of 226.00 before the earnings release later today. The MACD oscillator is trying to gain momentum above its trigger line in the positive area, while the RSI is flattening near the overbought territory, indicating that the next move may be to the downside rather to the upside.

US Open Note – Fed’s ‘hawkish’ tone sends the dollar surging

Powell signals a rate hike in March The first FOMC meeting of 2022 was concluded on Wednesday, with the Fed Chair Jerome Powell setting the stage for a March rate hike, declining to rule out more frequent and larger rate increases. Powell also struck a pessimistic tone regarding the recovery of supply chain disruptions, which are currently driving inflation.


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Upozornění na riziko: Váš kapitál je ohrožený. Produkty s pákovým efektem nemusí být vhodné pro každého. Zvažte prosím naše Zveřejnění rizik.