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Federal Reserve Events

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***Denotes a new entry.


Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) MEETING DATES:


November 6-7 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)

December 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)


January 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)

March 18-19 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

May 6-7 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

June 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

July 29-30 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

September 16-17 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

October 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

December 9-10 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)


January 27-28 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)

March 17-18 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

April 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

June 16-17 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

July 28-29 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

September 15-16 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

October 27-28 (second day: statement released 1400 EDT/1800 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EDT/1830 GMT)

December 8-9 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)


January 26-27 (second day: statement released 1400 EST/1900 GMT; news conference expected 1430 EST/1930 GMT)



Thursday, November 14
DALLAS - (INVITED) Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell participates in "Global Perspectives" conversation before event hosted by the Dallas Regional Chamber, World Affairs Council of DFW and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1400 CST/1500 EST/2000 GMT. Other details TBA. Music Hall at Fair Park, 909 1st Avenue, Dallas, TX 75210. Event information: https://web.cvent.com/event/358d5500-a206-49ed-ab40-2d4becdab7c9/summary



Tuesday, October 22

PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker speaks on "Fintech" before the Eighth Annual Fintech Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 1000 EDT/1400 GMT. Livestream and text available. No Q&A. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Ten Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Event information:

https://web.cvent.com/event/932a3724-a9eb-48f3-ada1-d019ffbe2fbe/websitePage:308f3e27-cd58-49ca-9ffd-d803bf5b1ab4. Contact: Daneil Mazone, daneil.mazone@phil.frb.org

Wednesday, October 23

WASHINGTON - (VIA VIDEOCONFERENCE) - Federal Reserve Board Governor Michelle Bowman gives opening remarks on second day of the Eighth Annual Fintech Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 0900 EDT/1300 GMT. Text available. No Q&A. Webcast at https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzVhZGU5OWEtZDViYy00ZDZhLTliOWMtYjJhYjRiOWJmMzYz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b397c653-5b19-463f-b9fc-af658ded9128%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f37e091c-4266-439e-b1fc-d2b71a14271f%22%7d. Event location: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Ten Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Contact: Daneil Mazone, daneil.mazone@phil.frb.org. Event information: https://web.cvent.com/event/932a3724-a9eb-48f3-ada1-d019ffbe2fbe/websitePage:308f3e27-cd58-49ca-9ffd-d803bf5b1ab4
RICHMOND - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks on "Recognizing the Impact of Community Colleges" before the 2024 Virginia Education and Workforce Conference, 1200 EDT/1600 GMT. Text posted to richmondfed.org at speech time. No Q&A. No livestream expected. Greater Richmond Convention Center, 403 North Third Street, Richmond VA 23219. RSVP: Jim Strader, jim.strader@rich.frb.org. Event information: https://vachamber.com/event/2024-virginia-education-and-workforce-conference/

Thursday, October 24
CLEVELAND - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Beth Hammack gives welcome remarks before the "Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics 2024" event hosted by the Center for Inflation Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the European Central Bank, 0845 EDT/1345 GMT. No text. RSVP for event or livestream: https://clevelandfed-org.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_bjF9DGPlTAqM993n3l7bWw#/registration. 1455 East Sixth Street, Cleveland OH 44114. Event information: https://www.clevelandfed.org/events/inflation-drivers-and-dynamics/2024/ev-20241024-inflation-drivers-and-dynamics-conference-2024. Contact: Dani Carlson, dani.carlson@clev.frb.org or 216 672 1264

Wednesday, November 13
DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Lorie Logan gives opening remarks before hybrid "Energy and the Economy: Meeting Rising Energy Demand" Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Kansas City, 0835 CST/0935 EST/1435 GMT. Virtual option available. Other details TBA. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75150. Event information: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24energy

MEMPHIS - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President Alberto Musalem speaks before an Economic Club of Memphis luncheon, 1130 CST/1230 EST/1730 GMT. Details TBA. Contact: secretary@econclubmemphis.org. Event information: https://www.econclubmemphis.com/index.php?option=com_jevents&task=icalrepeat.detail&evid=77&Itemid=115&year=2024&month=11&day=13&title=lunch-with-alberto-musalem&uid=23e8e2be2c06f09f81f56548b5cb6cad

DALLAS - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Jeffrey Schmid gives luncheon keynote before hybrid "Energy and the Economy: Meeting Rising Energy Demand" Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Kansas City, 1230 CST/1330 EST/1830 GMT. Virtual option available. Other details TBA. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N. Pearl Street, Dallas TX 75150. Event information: https://www.dallasfed.org/research/events/2024/24energy

Monday, November 18

CHICAGO - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Austan Goolsbee gives welcome remarks before the Financial Markets Group Fall Conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 0900 CST/1000 EST/1500 GMT. In-person event. Other details TBA. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 S. LaSalle Street. Event information: https://www.chicagofed.org/events/2024/financial-markets-group-fall-conference

Wednesday, December 4
NEW YORK - (INVITED) Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President Alberto Musalem speaks before the Bloomberg/Global Interdependence Center College of Central Bankers Symposium, 0845 EST/1345 GMT. Other details TBA. Bloomberg, 731 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Event information: https://www.interdependence.org/events/browse/gic-college-of-central-bankers-symposium/ and https://www.interdependence.org/?attachment_id=41876

Thursday-Friday, May 15-16, 2025
WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve Board holds 2nd Thomas Laubach Research Conference. The conference will highlight research focusing on monetary policy and the economy. As such, it is expected to provide timely academic perspectives for the monetary policy framework review that the Federal Reserve has committed to conduct every five years. Details TBA. Information: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20240920a.htm



1400 EST/1900 GMT:
Tuesday, November 26 (for meeting of November 6-7)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (for meeting of December 17-18)

Beige Book (Wednesday dates)


1400 EDT/1800 GMT:

October 23

1400 EST/1900 GMT:

December 4

Federal Reserve Quarterly Financial Accounts of the United States (Z.1)

Thursday, December 12, at 1200 EST/1700 GMT




Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond president
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco president


Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston president
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis president
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City president


Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland president
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas president
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis president


Federal Reserve Bank of New York president
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago president
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond president
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta president
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco president


((To access stories on Fed policy click on FED/AHEAD. For a diary of top economic events, see M/DIARY)


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