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Israel central bank holds rate again as military conflicts boost inflation

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Adds details, governor comments

By Steven Scheer and Maayan Lubell

JERUSALEM, Oct 9 (Reuters) -The Bank of Israel kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday for a sixth straight meeting, but raised the prospect of future rate increases should armed conflict on two fronts push inflation up more than expected.

The central bank - also worried about Israel's investor risk premium which has risen since the Gaza war began on Oct. 7 last year - left its benchmark rate ILINR=ECI at 4.50%.

"In view of the continuing war, the Monetary Committee’s policy is focusing on stabilizing the markets and reducing uncertainty, alongside price stability and supporting economic activity," the central bank said in a statement.

Policymakers expressed worries over rising inflation stemming largely from supply constraints related to thewar with Hamas in Gaza and acceleratingfighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon, saying the increase in the pace of inflation is broad.

Israel's annual inflation rate rose to 3.6% in August from 3.2% in the previous month, moving further above the government's 1%-3% target range after falling as low as 2.5% in February.

Bank of Israel Governor Amir Yaron told a news conference after the decision that the future direction of interest rates was "data dependent".

Prior to the war, rates - which rose rapidly in 2022 and 2023 - were expected to decline this year. The central bank had reduced its key rate by 25 basis points in January but it has been on hold since due to the war, rising inflation pressures, a widening budget deficit and the higher risk premium.

Some investors have begun to speculate that inflation will continue to rise and possibly push the central bank to raising rates again.

"If inflation rises at a faster rate than we predicted ... we can definitely raise the interest rate," Yaron said, noting the inflation rate is expected to gain in near term.

Yaron said the current level of rates is believed to be restrictive enough to ultimately bring inflation back to within its target.

He added that in the current period Israel's uncertainty is far greater than what the U.S. and European central banks - which have started to loosen policy - are experiencing.

The decision to hold rates steady came despite the bank's research department slashing its forecast for Israeli economic growth this year to 0.5% from a previous estimate of 1.5%.

The economy grew an annualised 0.7% in the second quarter, slowing markedly from a 17.2% pace in the first quarter.

All 14 analysts polled by Reuters had expected no rates move on Wednesday.

The central bank's researchers raised their inflation forecast for the coming year to 3.2% from 3.0%, while the interest rate is projected at its current 4.5% level, rather than 4.25%predicted in July.

The staff raised their expectation for Israel's 2024 budget deficit to 7.2% of gross domestic product from 6.6% due to the extra funds needed to finance the military conflicts. They see a 4.9% of GDP deficit in 2025.

"Approval of a responsible budget for 2025 is an essential component in strengthening the international markets’ trust

and maintaining the economy’s robustness," Yaron said.

The budget's passage has been delayed due to political infighting.

The rates decision was initially slated for Monday but was moved to not coincide with the Oct. 7 anniversary of the start of the Gaza war.

Reporting by Steven Scheer, Maayan Lubell and Ari Rabinovitch; Editing by Toby Chopra and Alison Williams


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