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US port workers, operators reach deal to end East Coast strike

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Oct 4 (Reuters) -U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports resumed operations after unionized dockworkers reached a tentative labor agreement with an employer group for a new contract, ending a three-day strike.

The agreement, which was announced on Thursday, includes a wage hike of around 62% over six years and covers about 45,000 members.

Here's a brief rundown of the events leading up to the deal:

May 13, 2024

The International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) say they will begin bargaining after May 17 with the goal of forging a new deal before the six-year contract expires on Sept. 30.

June 10, 2024

The ILA halts negotiations amid disputes related to automation, after discovering that operator APM's terminals and container shipping company Maersk Line were using an Auto Gate system that processes trucks without labor.

June 11, 2024

The USMX says some issues will require further conversation between the local parties, adding that it looks forward to re-engage with the bargaining committee.

July 12, 2024

Harold Daggett, ILA's president and chief negotiator, says the threat of an Oct. 1 strike is growing after the violation of its contract by some USMX members, which caused it to cancel negotiations earlier.

Aug. 23, 2024

The USMX says it has been unable to secure a meeting with the ILA to resume negotiations.

Sept. 5, 2024

Nearly 300 ILA delegates end their two-day wage scale meetings with unanimous support for President Daggett's call for an Oct. 1 strike if an agreement is not reached.

Sept. 23, 2024

The ILA says it has held multiple conversations with the USMX in recent weeks and adds that a stalemate remains over wages, with the employer group continuing to offer "an unacceptable wage increase package".

Sept. 24, 2024

The White House says it will not try to broker a deal between the two parties.

Sept. 25, 2024

Agriculture groups urge the White House to act to avert the potential strike.

Sept. 26, 2024

The USMX files an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board to bring ILA back to the bargaining table.

Sept. 29, 2024

President Joe Biden says he did not intend to intervene to prevent a port strike.

Sept. 30, 2024

The USMX raises its offer, says it would increase wages by nearly 50%, triple employer contributions to employee retirement plans and strengthen healthcare options. It also requests an extension of the current master contract to continue bargaining.

Oct. 1, 2024

The ILA starts strike at ports up and down the U.S. East Coast.

Oct. 3. 2024

The ILA and USMX reach tentative agreement for a new contract with 62% wage hike over six years.

Reporting by Anshuman Tripathy, Abhinav Parmar and Harshita Mary Varghese in Bengaluru; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Shailesh Kuber, Sonali Paul and Arun Koyyur


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