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Olympics-Triathlon-Swimming training session cancelled as rain lifts Seine pollution levels

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Adds quote from deputy mayor for sports

PARIS, July 28 (Reuters) -The Olympics' triathlon swimming training session scheduled for Sunday has been cancelled after recent heavy rain in Paris affected pollution levels in the Seine, organisers said in a statement.

A lot is riding on Olympic triathletes being cleared to swim in Paris' central waterway when the competition kicks off on Tuesday, with France investing 1.4 billion euros ($1.52 billion)in new wastewater infrastructure to cut sewage levels and make the river swimmable for residents as a key legacy of the Games.

ParisMayor Anne Hidalgo took a dip in the Seine on July 17 to try to convince doubters that the water will be clean enough for athletes to compete in the river, as they did during the 1900 Olympics.

"We have had some rainfall but everything that has been put in place has worked, it prevents overflows from occurring so I think we will reach a satisfying quality of the water very soon, but it will depend on the weather forecast as well," Pierre Rabadan, the city's deputy mayor for sports, told a press conference on Sunday.

Testscarried out in the Seine on Saturday "revealed water quality levels that in the view of the international federation, World Triathlon, did not provide sufficient guarantees to allow the event to be held," organisers Paris 2024 said in a statement.

"This is due to rain that has fallen on Paris on July 26-27."

Organisers said that, given the forecast for sunshine and higher temperatures over the next 48 hours, they were "confident" water quality would improve again before the triathlon events begin on Tuesday with the men's race.

World Triathlon meets with Paris city authorities at 4 a.m. each morning ahead of triathlon training or competition events to analyse the latest water test results and decide whether the Seine is clean enough for athletes to swim.

The running and cycling course familiarisation sessions were going ahead as planned on Sunday.

In May, the city unveiled a new 46,000 cubic metre storage basin meant to contain rainwater and waste water to reduce pollution levels in the river.

($1 = 0.9211 euros)

Reporting by Vincent Daheron, Helen Reid, Sudip Kar-Gupta; Editing by Peter Rutherford


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