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EU, seeking allies, holds first summit with Gulf states

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First ever EU-GCC summit

Parties aim to revive stalled trade agreement talks

Struggle over language on Ukraine conflict

Updates throughout after summit; adds joint statement, second byline

By Philip Blenkinsop and John Irish

BRUSSELS, Oct 16 (Reuters) -The European Union heldits first summit with the Gulf states on Wednesday, part of EU diplomatic courting of less familiar friends as it seeks new economic allies andenlists international support to isolate Russia.

Since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, the 27-member EU has reached out to other regional blocs, holding its first summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) and its first ineight years with the Community of Caribbean and Latin American Countries (CELAC).

Its aim in meeting the six wealthy Arab states in the Gulf Cooperation Council was to deepen cooperation and recognise those countries' influence particularly in conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

In a joint statement at the end of the summit, the two sides said they would revive talks launched 35 years ago on a free trade agreement but suspended in 2008. They will also hold biennial summits, the next in Saudi Arabia in 2026.

TheEU partnership with Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates would seek to boost cooperation in clean tech, critical minerals needed in the green transition, renewable energy and hydrogen production.

Brussels had wantedthe GCC partners to agree on strong language on Russia's military assault on Ukraine. The final statement affirmed the sovereignty of states, condemned attacks against civilians and critical infrastructure and deplored the "prolonged war".

Russia was only mentioned in a reference to a United Nations resolution criticising Russian aggression and a demand that it withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said closer relations should mean greater adherence to international justice and "away from the policies of double standards".

Critics in the Global South say EU nations repeatedly call out Russia over violations of international law in the Ukraine conflict, but fail to apply the same standards in Israel's war in Gaza.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urged Gulf states to use their influence to bring peace to Ukraine.

"I know how sensitive you are to the idea of sovereignty, and I am confident that we can work together and rely on you to stop this illegal Russian war," she told the EU and Gulf leaders including Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

On the Middle East, the statement expressed "utmost concern" over developments in Israel, Gaza and Lebanon, called for an immediate ceasefire and urged all parties to comply with their obligations under international law.

Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop
Editing by Peter Graff and Richard Chang


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