China still key to global oil demand growth despite energy transition, Vitol says
Adds quotes, background throughout story
By Florence Tan
SINGAPORE, Nov 7 (Reuters) -China will continue to have an important role in global oil demand because of its focus on petrochemicals even as fuel consumption in its road transportation sector peaks amid energy transition, Vitol's global head of research said on Thursday.
The world's No. 2 oil consumer will continue to add petrochemical capacity in coming years although utilization rates at the facilities are expected to fall, Giovanni Serio said at the FT Asia Commodities Summit.
"The growth just next year is entirely capable of satisfying the total demand globally for plastics," he said.
"There is no doubt that this is going to be the driving force of oil demand in China and globally because it is less of a decarbonisation story in that space."
Oil consumption in China, the world's driver of global demand growth for years, barely grew in 2024 as gasoline and diesel use fell with the rapid growth of electric vehicles and as liquefied natural gas replaced diesel as a truck fuel.
"The view could be that it is a driving force of oil, or it is actually a driving force of peak oil demand to the extent that the transition technologies that have been implemented in China are successful," Serio said.
"So it's important to put China in the context of oil demand globally. And we think that it'll continue to play an important, critical role."
Gasoline demand growth is estimated at 22,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2024 versus 268,000 bpd in 2023 as new energy vehicle sales outpaced conventional cars for the first time, Serio said.
The pace at which China's gasoline demand falls in coming years depends on the renewal of its car fleet, which could be driven by Beijing's stimulus policy, he said.
For trucking, the economics of using LNG versus diesel will determine the outlook of the transport fuel, Serio said.
LNG truck sales plunged in September after the price gap of the superchilled fuel narrowed versus diesel, he said, with LNG becoming more expensive and diesel cheaper.
Vitol has pushed back its peak oil demand forecasts for China to the 2030s on a slower pick-up in electric vehicles, and lower commitments to environmental targets, Serio said.
Jet fuel and petrochemical feedstocks - liquefied petroleum gas and naphtha - will drive global oil demand growth in the next five years, he said.
Reporting by Florence Tan; Additional reporting by Colleen Howe; Editing by Himani Sarkar and Tom Hogue
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