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Yields drop as investors ratchet up rate-cut bets

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By Amanda Cooper

LONDON, July 25 (Reuters) -U.S. Treasury yields fell for a third day on Thursday as investors piled into shorter-dated bonds in anticipation of imminent Federal Reserve rate cuts, while a global sell-off in tech stocks and other risk assets fanned a push into safe-haven assets.

The gap between two-year US2YT=RR and 10-year US10YT=RR Treasury yields hit its narrowest since October 2023 and was just a whisker below where it was in July 2022, as the drop in short-dated yields outstripped that of longer-dated notes.

This phenomenon, known as a steepening of the yield curve, typically takes place when investors believe interest rates are about to fall and the economy is likely to slow US2US10=RR.

A survey on Wednesday showed U.S. business activity hit a 27-month high in July, but companies' pricing power is diminishing as inflation has subsided.

U.S. two-year yields were last down 7 basis points at 4.34%, while benchmark 10-year notes were yielding 4.237%, down 5 bps on the day, leaving the curve inverted, with short-dated yields still above longer-dated ones.

"Bear in mind that in recent cycles, a re-steepening back out of inversion has occurred shortly before a recession, so that’s one to keep an eye on, given how it’s moved ahead of the past few downturns," Deutsche Bank strategist Jim Reid said.

Geopolitics, including a turbulent race for the White House, have added to investor risk aversion this month.

Tepid results from the first of the so-called "Magnificent Seven" - the seven most valuable U.S. stocks that include the likes of Apple AAPL.O, Amazon AMZN.N and Nvidia NVDA.O - mean investors are questioning whether their lofty valuations are justified.

Futures markets fully expect a quarter-point cut from the Fed by September. Two-year Treasuries - which are more sensitive to shifts in monetary policy - have already fallen by 35 basis points in this month alone, to around 4.37% and are well below April's five-month high of 5.045%.

Adding momentum to the flow of capital into fixed income has been the aggressive unwinding of holdings of expensive technology stocks, which have hit record highs this year driven by the boom in AI, and of other assets that tend to perform poorly when the economy slows, such as industrial commodities, and the dollar itself.

Longer-dated U.S. bonds came under pressure last week, after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump surged ahead in the opinion polls following an assassination attempt on July 13.

The prospect of a Trump administration aggravated concern among investors of a surge in spending, at a time when the U.S. fiscal position is looking increasingly precarious.

Democrat President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential campaign at the weekend, paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party's nominee, which has seen Trump dip back in the polls.

The Treasury auctioned $70 billion worth of five-year notes on Wednesday, a day after a two-year sale of the same size that garnered strong demand.

ING said the five-year sale was not as successful as the shorter-dated auction, given that maturity commands a lower yield - at around 4.085% - and is therefore pricier.

"We should also not forget the huge sizes the market is being asked to take down," ING strategists led by Americas regional research head Padraig Garvey said.

"It’s been a day of risk-off, higher volatility and widening pressure on credit spreads. We think this continues, as it feels like the path of least resistance as we continue to digest the U.S. political backdrop, interlaced by predominately weak or weakening macro data," they said.

Reporting by Amanda Cooper; Editing by Angus MacSwan


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