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What to Watch in the Day Ahead - Wednesday, August 28

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The Day Ahead is an email and PDF publication that includes the day's major stories and events, analyses and other features. To receive The Day Ahead, Eikon users can register at DAY/US. Thomson One users can register at RT/DAY/US. All times in ET/GMT

All eyes will be on Nvidia when the company reports its results after markets close. Analysts expect its second-quarter revenue to more than double and investors will look out for updates on widely reported production delays and indications of resilient demand for Nvidia's AI chips.

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic is expected to speak on the economic outlook in a moderated conversation hosted by the Stanford Club of Georgia and the Stanford Black Alumni Association, Atlanta. (1800 /2200) Separately, Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller is scheduled to speak on "Payments" at the Global Fintech Festival 2024, Mumbai, India. (0115 /0515)

Business software giant Salesforce is expected to report a rise in second-quarter revenue, as it sees growth at its business cloud slow amid a tough macroeconomic environment and rising competition from smaller players.

The cybersecurity company CrowdStrike is expected to report higher second-quarter revenue, helped by growing demand for its cybersecurity solutions. Investors will be looking for commentary if the company has been affected after the global IT outage caused by a faulty update.

Kohl's is expected to post a fall in second-quarter same-store sales as department stores struggle to attract deal-hunting customers to their stores. Investors will watch out for comments on promotional strategies ahead of the back-to-school and holiday shopping season.

Personal care product maker Bath & Body Works is expected to post a decline in second-quarter revenue, hurt by sluggish demand for its pricey scented candles and body care products. Investors will look for comments on pricing actions, demand as well as the impact of increased promotions and marketing expenses and annual forecasts.

HP Inc is expected to post a rise in revenue in the third quarter, signaling a recovery in the personal computer market.

Cloud solutions provider NetApp is expected to post an increase in first-quarter revenue, driven by strong demand for cloud-based services from businesses. Separately, data center operator Applied Digital is expected to report higher fourth-quarter results, helped by growing demand for its data center services amid AI boom.

Jif peanut butter maker JM Smucker is expected to post a rise in first-quarter revenue, helped by steady demand for its frozen snacks and pet food. Investors will look for comments on pricing actions, demand, impact of coffee prices, and annual forecasts.

Abercrombie & Fitch is expected to report a rise in second-quarter revenue on resilient consumer demand for its Hollister and Abercrombie brands. Investors will be on the lookout for the company's 2024 forecast and consumer trends.

Medical device maker Cooper Companies is set to report its third-quarter results after markets close. Focus will be on comments regarding the contact lens market and any changes to its annual forecast.

On the Canadian earnings front, Royal Bank of Canada's third-quarter profit is expected to rise, with this being the first quarter where its results fully reflect the acquisition of HSBC Canada's operations. Investors will closely look at the performance of RBC's U.S. unit City National. Separately, the National Bank of Canada is expected to post a higher third-quarter profit as it earned higher interest income on the loans it gave to its customers.


Equities Watch with Reuters market correspondents in London and New York. (1000/ 1400) To join the conversation, email us here

(Compiled by Malini K; Edited by Shilpi Majumdar)


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