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Timid post-Covid tech cleanup begins with mini-LBO

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Robert Cyran

NEW YORK, May 13 (Reuters Breakingviews) -There’s plenty of risky cleanup to do among public technology companies mired in a post-Covid-19 funk. The $6.6 billion buyout of website builder Squarespace SQSP.N by Permira, announced on Monday, might seem to fit the mold. But a punchy headline price is much more cautious than it appears.

Tech dealmaking and valuations spiked during the pandemic. Squarespace took part, opting for a direct listing in 2021; shares rocketed from $48 up to over $64 a month later. It’s been all downhill from there. Even with a 15% premium, Permira’s offer comes in slightly below that opening price.

Nonetheless, that equates to 20 times Squarespace’s estimated 2025 EBITDA of $340 million, according to LSEG. Take that eye-popping multiple alongside news that long-time cash inferno Peloton Interactive PTON.O has attracted private equity suitors, as well as recent take-privates like Perficient PRFT.O, and it may appear that heady days are back. But this deal is much more down-to-earth, thanks to the nature of the website development business.

Chief executive Anthony Casalena founded Squarespace in his dorm room, and didn’t take outside capital until Accel invested in 2010. General Atlantic then invested in 2014. The company’s ability to fund growth largely through internally generated cash flow is why Casalena still owns a big chunk of the company. He maintains voting control through dual-class shares.

That makes Squarespace different from the frothiest of the money-burning tech high-fliers that went public in a fit of pandemic-era euphoria. To boot, analysts expect EBITDA to continue growing by about 30% annually.

And Permira doesn’t have to shell out for the entirety of the company. Casalena is rolling over a “substantial majority” of his one-third stake, with Accel and General Atlantic retaining a smaller chunk of their investments. Assume the CEO rolls 90% of his holdings, while the other backers retain half because they want some liquidity on their long-term investment, and Permira is only on the hook for around $3.5 billion. Squarespace’s record of generating cash and the fact that most of its revenue is recurring means private lenders are also willing to pony up a chunk: Blackstone BX.N, Blue Owl Capital OBDC.N and Ares Capital ARCC.O are supporting the deal.

It’s a tidy arrangement - but it’s not the swing-for-the-fences kind of bet on a struggling company that would really start to clear out the backlog of tech stragglers.

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Squarespace said on May 13 it would go private in a $44 per share deal that values the company at $6.6 billion. Including debt, the transaction values the website builder at $6.9 billion. The price is a 15% premium to the closing price of Squarespace shares on May 10.

Founder and chief executive Anthony Casalena will reinvest a substantial majority of his stake in the company. Investors General Atlantic and Accel will also reinvest as part of the deal.

Squarespace went public in 2021 in a direct listing, opening on its first day at $48 a share.

Editing by Jonathan Guilford and Sharon Lam


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