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Handelsbanken jumps as profit beat eases cost worries

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Net profit of 6.79 bln SEK tops consensus of 6.22 bln

Strong income and credit quality drive beat

Interest income well above forecast

Expenses up 14% yr/yr in Q2, dip slightly vs Q1

Shares rise 7%

Adds shares

By Niklas Pollard

STOCKHOLM, July 17 (Reuters) -Swedish bank Handelsbanken SHBa.ST beat second-quarter net profit expectations on Wednesday as robust interest income and credit quality helped take some of the sting out of lingering high costs, sending its shares sharply higher.

Net profit fell to 6.79 billion crowns ($641 million) from 7.10 billion a year ago, but topped the 6.22 billion expected by analysts, LSEG estimates showed.

Shares in Handelsbanken, the oldest company on the Swedish stock exchange, were hammered earlier this year after it reported a 12% jump in expenses, a closely watched metric for the bank, which weighed on earnings in the first quarter.

In the second quarter, its expenses rose 14% year on year to 6.42 billion, topping the 6.30 billion seen by analysts, the rival of Swedbank SWEDa.ST, SEB SEBa.ST and Nordea NDAFI.HE reported.

But costs, which have been running high in recent quarters due to elevated expenses on items such as staff and IT, did ease 1% compared to the first quarter and included a restructuring charge for staff cuts of just above 300 million crowns.

"Income increased as net interest margins recovered and asset management and payment commissions increased," it said in statement.

"Actions were taken during the second quarter to improve efficiency," it added, saying it had reached agreements for 200 employees to leave the bank and scaled back external consultancy contracts by 15%.

Analysts at JP Morgan said in a research note they expected the results to drive estimate upgrades. "All in all, we would expect a favourable market reaction," they said.

The shares were up 7% at 0710 GMT.

The bank, which counts Sweden, Norway and Britain as its main markets, said net interest income, which includes revenue from mortgages, rose to 11.75 billion crowns from 11.69 billion a year ago and topping the 11.36 billion seen by analysts.

SEB and Swedbank both reported higher-than-expected net earnings on Tuesday as other revenue streams, such as investment banking and tentatively firming credit demand, offset slowing interest income momentum.

Handelsbanken's commission income rose to 2.94 billion crowns from 2.76 billion and beat a mean forecast 2.86 billion. Gains on financial transactions rose to 580 million from 393 million.

Handelsbanken said it had booked a reversal of 133 million crowns on net credit loss provisions versus a 58 million loss a year ago and far better than the 174 million loss expected by analysts.

($1 = 10.5852 Swedish crowns)

Reporting by Niklas Pollard, Editing by Miral Fahmy and Mark Potter


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