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Satellite union will struggle to defy gravity

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Yawen Chen

LONDON, April 30 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Struggling satellite operators are teaming up to deal with slow growth and the threat from competitors like Elon Musk’s Starlink. But not all deals make sense. On Tuesday, Luxembourg’s SES said it had agreed to buy U.S. rival Intelsat for $3 billion. Sceptical investors have knocked the buyer’s shares down by a fifth. The problem is that shareholders thought they were getting a ton of cash from the lowly valued group, but instead they’re getting a deal with questionable returns.

SES, which uses satellites to distribute TV channels and other services, is struggling with slow growth. Rivals are in the same boat, hence a wave of dealmaking in recent years. SES’s swoop values Intelsat at about 5 times 2024 EBITDA, including debt, which may sound cheap but is still above the buyer’s own equivalent multiple of 2 times, based on Breakingviews calculations. Investors sent the shares down by roughly a tenth on Tuesday, which followed a similar fall on Monday when Bloomberg reported the deal.

SES has the money. At the end of last year, it received $3 billion from the U.S. government for vacating spectrum space. That prompted a major shareholder owning over 5% of SES to argue that CEO Adel Al-Saleh should hand money to shareholders. The Intelsat deal, which means taking on more debt, effectively ends any hopes of a major cash return and means investors will instead be stuck owning a relatively highly leveraged company instead. SES reckons its net debt will be around 3.5 times EBITDA after the deal, which may also weigh on its investment grade rating.

The benefits of merging with Intelsat aren’t straightforward, either. SES reckons the cost savings from the deal have a chunky net present value of $2.6 billion, and that the internal rate of return would be “at least 10%”. That’s underwhelming: Morgan Stanley analysts peg the company’s cost of capital at 10.5%. Nor is it obvious that the combination will bring top-line growth. Even after teaming up, satellite companies will find it hard to defy financial gravity.

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Satellite operator SES said on April 30 it has agreed to buy Intelsat for $3.1 billion in cash, after a previous attempt faltered in 2023. Bloomberg had reported on April 29 that SES and Intelsat revived discussions on a potential merger, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter.

SES said the transaction will be financed by cash and new debt, including hybrid bonds, and it expects synergies with a total net present value of 2.4 billion euros ($2.6 billion) from the combination of selling, general and administrative savings as well as optimisation of third-party capacity costs and future efficiencies in procurement.

The deal, unanimously approved by the two companies’ boards, is subject to relevant regulatory clearances and should close in the second half of 2025, SES said.

SES’s Paris-listed shares fell 10% to 4.47 euros as of 1050 GMT on April 30. They had closed down 10% on April 29.

Graphic: Shares of SES have lost 75% of their value since 2019 https://reut.rs/3y6s3r7

Editing by Liam Proud and Oliver Taslic


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