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Reactions to France's Macron naming Michel Barnier as prime minister

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Adds reaction of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

PARIS, Sept 5 (Reuters) -French President Emmanuel Macron appointed Michel Barnier, the European Union's former Brexit negotiator, as his new prime minister on Thursday, after weeks of drawn out talks following an inconclusive snap election.

Below are a list of reactions from French political figures as well as European leaders.

Jordan Bardella, president of the far-right National Rally (RN):

"After an interminable wait, unworthy of a great democracy, we acknowledge the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron.

"We will judge his general policy speech, his budgetary decisions and his actions on the evidence. We will plead for the major emergencies of the French -- the cost of living, security, immigration -- to finally be addressed, and we reserve all political means of action if this is not the case in the coming weeks."

RN parliamentary party leader and former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen:

"The National Rally will not participate in a government of any kind whatsoever of Mr Barnier's. For the rest, that is to say on the fundamental issues, we are waiting to see what Mr Barnier's general policy speech is and the way in which he leads the compromises that will be necessary on the budget."

French far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, part of the New Popular Front (NPF) leftist alliance that came first in the vote:

"The President has just decided to officially deny the result of the legislative elections that he himself had called.

"It is not the New Popular Front, which came out on top in the election, that will have the prime minister ... The election was therefore stolen from the French people. The message was denied."

Hard-left France Unbowed lawmaker Mathilde Panot, also a member of the NPF:

"52 days after the government was defeated at the polls, Macron continues to see himself as an autocrat. By appointing Michel Barnier, the president refuses to respect popular sovereignty and the choice made at the ballot box. Against this unacceptable democratic coup in a democracy, join us on the streets on September 7."

Centre-left socialist party, part of the NPF:

"The socialist party will censure Michel Barnier's government.

"By refusing to appoint as Prime Minister a member of the Nouveau Front Populaire, the left-wing coalition that came out on top in the parliamentary elections, Emmanuel Macron has turned his back on a republican tradition shared and respected until now in our country.

"Michel Barnier has neither political nor republican legitimacy. This extremely serious situation is unacceptable to us democrats. This is why the socialist group will censure Michel Barnier's government."

Edouard Philippe, Macron's first Prime Minister, who just declared himself candidate for the next presidential election

"Warm congratulations to Michel Barnier! He has a tough job ahead of him, but he's never been afraid of adversity. And many of us will be there to help him."

Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commission President

"Congratulations to Michel Barnier on his appointment as Prime Minister. I know that Michel Barnier has the interests of Europe and France at heart, as his long experience demonstrates. I wish him every success in his new mission."

Antonio Tajani, Italian Foreign Minister

"Congratulations Michel Barnier on your appointment as French Prime Minister. We worked well together in Brussels. Good luck my friend!"

Reporting by Gabriel Stargardter
Editing by Peter Graff, William Maclean and Hugh Lawson


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