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Pratt & Whitney settles engineers' no-poach lawsuit for $33 mln

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Settlements in litigation total $60 million

Pratt was last defendant in the antitrust case

By Mike Scarcella

Sept 3 (Reuters) -Aerospace giant RTX’s Pratt & Whitney unit has agreed to pay $33 million to resolve a class action claiming it artificially suppressed wages for tens of thousands of current and former engineers.

The company disclosed on Friday it had reached a deal in principle in a filing in Connecticut federal court, where lawsuits were filed in 2022 claiming Pratt and five engineering staffing firms violated U.S. antitrust law by agreeing not to poach employees from each other.

The full terms of the deal will be presented to the court in the coming weeks, but a source familiar with the proposal said RTX had agreed to pay $33 million to exit the litigation. The settlement requires approval by U.S. District Judge Sarala Nagala.

RTX's Pratt & Whitney, which has denied any wrongdoing, was the remaining defendant in a lawsuit that was a consolidation of related cases. RTX declined to comment on Tuesday.

Attorneys for the plaintiffs at law firms Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan and DiCello Levitt did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Nine named plaintiffs, all former engineers for Pratt and other defendants, sued Pratt and the staffing firms after the U.S. Justice Department in late 2021 charged a former Pratt executive and others in a criminal conspiracy to restrict employee mobility.

After a trial in that case, a federal judge acquitted the defendants before the jury issued a verdict.

Nagala was assigned to oversee more than 20 similar civil lawsuits against Pratt and the other defendants.

The plaintiffs in the civil cases alleged Pratt led a conspiracy to restrict recruitment and hiring, keeping engineers’ wages lower than they otherwise would have been in a competitive market. The lawsuits sought compensation for a class estimated at 43,000 members.

In earlier proposed settlements, Belcan Engineering said it would pay $9.9 million, QuEST Global Services agreed to pay $8.2 million, Cyient agreed to pay $7.4 million, and Agilis Engineering settled for $1 million.

A fifth defendant, Parametric Solutions, is in bankruptcy and agreed to cooperate with the plaintiffs but not pay any monetary penalty.

Agilis, which had a leniency agreement with the U.S. Justice Department, admitted to the plaintiffs that the company participated in a recruitment-related conspiracy. The other defendants have denied any wrongdoing.

The case is Borozny v. Raytheon Technologies Corp, Pratt & Whitney Division, U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, No. 3:21-cv-01657.

For plaintiffs: Daniel Brockett of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan; and Gregory Asciolla of DiCello Levitt

For RTX: Chahira Solh of Crowell & Moring; and John Cerreta of Day Pitney

Read more:

Engineering firms to pay $26.5 mln to exit antitrust lawsuit over wages

Aerospace managers acquitted in labor-related antitrust prosecution

Quinn Emanuel, DiCello firms will lead 'no poach' aerospace lawsuits


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