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Power Up: All eyes on Namibia

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July 29 -By Liz Hampton

U.S. Energy Markets Editor

Hello Power Up readers! Today we're going to take a look at new oilfields off the coast of the southwest African nation Namibia. Billions of barrels of oil have been discovered there, and while production has yet to start, major oil companies are scrambling to get in on the action. Let's dive in.

Major producers see big promise off the shores of Namibia

The southwest African nation Namibia has come into the spotlight as a new oil and gas exploration hotspot following several major discoveries in recent years along its coast.   

Although no oil or gas has been produced there, the discoveries total billions of barrels of oil and are drawing interest from major oil and gas companies, including the likes of Chevron, ENI, Galp, Shell and TotalEnergies. (You can see a rundown of their ventures and discoveries here.)

Portuguese oil company Galp Energia in April wrapped up the first phase of exploration in the Mopane field off the coast of Namibia and said it could have some 10 billion barrels of oil. First production is expected from 2030. 

Galp in  April launched a sales process for half of its 80% stake in Petroleum Exploration Licence 83 in Namibia, as well as the right to become its operator. Some 12 oil companies, including Exxon Mobil, Shell and Brazil's state oil company Petrobras, have expressed interest in the stake. 

On Friday, Reuters reported that Petrobras had made a non-binding offer for a major stake in the Galp's discovery which would allow it to become the operator for the Mopane field.

That bid comes as the Brazilian oil company said it is having difficulties getting environmental licenses to operate in new areas of the Brazilian coast.

Namibia, which is known for uranium deposits, has similar geological formations to Brazil. 

Galp last week confirmed it was preparing for a second drilling phase for four wells in the Mopane field, which would start in the fourth quarter. The company also said it was in preliminary talks with possible partners. 

Namibia has been a boon for the Portuguese firm, which has seen its shares rise some 40% this year.  


The U.S. is seeking bids for offshore wind leases off the coast of Texas after renewable developer Hecate Energy Gulf Wind made an unsolicited bid. The company is seeking acreage off the southeast coast of the state.  

Occidental will sell some Delaware Basin assets to Permian Resources for $818 million, a move that will help it cut down debt. It is also going to sell some $152 million in assets, bringing proceeds from divestments to $970 million.

A federal court has rejected the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2022 decision to deny small oil refineries temporary waivers from the nation's biofuel blending program, marking a win for the refining industry. 

Nigeria's Dangote oil refinery is reselling cargoes of U.S. and Nigerian crude following technical problems at the refinery. The plant started production in January and will be the largest in Africa and Europe when it reaches full capacity. 

Egypt has signed an investment deal worth some $340 million to boost its oil and gas production. This includes a $222 million deal with Shell Egypt and Malaysia's Petronas, and a deal with Cheiron Energy. 

We hope you're enjoying the Power Up newsletter. We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. You can reach us at: powerup@thomsonreuters.com

Editing by Marguerita Choy


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