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Morning News Call - Canada, November 5

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0815 Reserve assets total for Oct: Prior $128,074 mln

0830 Trade balance for Sept: Expected -C$0.80 bln; Prior -C$1.10 bln

0830 Exports for Sept: Prior C$64.31 bln

0830 Imports for Sept: Prior C$65.41 bln


November 5:

Bird Construction Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 68 Canadian cents per share

Boyd Group Services Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 48 cents per share

Colliers International Group Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of $1.48 per share

Dundee Precious Metals Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 27 cents per share

Ero Copper Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 33 cents per share

Fortis Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 82 Canadian cents per share

iA Financial Corporation Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of C$2.61 per share

Intact Financial Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 36 Canadian cents per share

Kinross Gold Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 19 cents per share

Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 68 Canadian cents per share

MEG Energy Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 74 Canadian cents per share

Pan American Silver Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 20 cents per share

Parex Resources Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 86 cents per share

Pembina Pipeline Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 72 Canadian cents per share

Pet Valu Holdings Ltd: Expected Q3 earnings of 34 Canadian cents per share

Restaurant Brands International Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 95 cents per share

Thomson Reuters Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 76 cents per share

TransAlta Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 16 Canadian cents per share

Triple Flag Precious Metals Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 14 cents per share

November 6:

Alamos Gold Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 21 cents per share

ARC Resources Ltd: Expected Q3 earnings of 35 Canadian cents per share

ATS Corp: Expected Q2 earnings of 32 Canadian cents per share

B2Gold Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 5 cents per share

CES Energy Solutions Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 19 Canadian cents per share

CGI Inc: Expected Q4 earnings of C$1.91 per share

Fortuna Mining Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 12 cents per share

Franco-Nevada Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 85 cents per share

GFL Environmental Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 33 Canadian cents per share

Great-West Lifeco Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of C$1.08 per share

Innergex Renewable Energy Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 3 Canadian cents per share

Interfor Corp: Expected Q3 loss of C$1.42 per share

Lundin Mining Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 16 cents per share

Manulife Financial Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 94 Canadian cents per share

Methanex Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 54 cents per share

NFI Group Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 4 cents per share

Nutrien Ltd: Expected Q3 earnings of 47 cents per share

OceanaGold Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of 10 cents per share

Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd: Expected Q3 earnings of 14 Canadian cents per share

Premium Brands Holdings Corp: Expected Q3 earnings of C$1.47 per share

Russel Metals Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 59 Canadian cents per share

Sprott Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 44 cents per share

Stella-Jones Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of C$1.75 per share

Superior Plus Corp: Expected Q3 loss of 19 Canadian cents per share

Torex Gold Resources Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 62 cents per share

Tourmaline Oil Corp (Alberta): Expected Q3 earnings of 86 Canadian cents per share

Vermilion Energy Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of 45 Canadian cents per share

Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd: Expected Q3 earnings of 25 Canadian cents per share

WSP Global Inc: Expected Q3 earnings of C$2.23 per share


0800 Toromont Industries Ltd: Q3 earnings conference call

0830 Cargojet Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

0830 Fortis Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

0830 Pet Valu Holdings Ltd: Q3 earnings conference call

0830 Thomson Reuters Corp: Q3 earnings conference call

0845 Restaurant Brands International Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

0900 Boyd Group Services Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

1000 Sun Life Financial Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

1100 Colliers International Group Inc: Q3 earnings conference call

1100 Topaz Energy Corp: Q3 earnings conference call

1100 TransAlta Corp: Q3 earnings conference call


MTY Food Group Inc: Amount C$0.28

Primo Water Corp: Amount $0.82

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Jakýkoliv obsah třetích stran a také obsah, připravený společností XM, jako jsou názory, novinky, výzkum, analýzy, ceny, další informace nebo odkazy na webové stránky třetích stran, které jsou zobrazeny na tomto webu, jsou poskytovány v neupravené verzi jako obecný tržní komentář, a nepředstavují investiční radu. Pokud je jakýkoliv obsah uváděný jako investiční výzkum, musíte si uvědomit a přijmout, že tento obsah nebyl určený a nebyl připravený v souladu se zákonnými požadavky, vytvořenými pro podporu nezávislosti investičního výzkumu, a jako takový by měl být podle příslušných zákonů a předpisu považovaný pouze za marketingovou komunikaci. Ujistěte se, že jste si přečetli a plně rozumíte našemu Oznámení o seznámení se s riziky a investičním výzkumu, který není nezávislý, týkající se výše uvedených informací, a ke kterým lze přejít zde.

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