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Italy's BPER boosts shareholder payout counting on strong fee growth

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BPER plans dividend of 3.2 bln euros, tech investment of 650 mln

Net income growth driven by strong fee revenue despite lower interest rates

BPER targets cumulated net profit of 4.3 bln

Adds shares, analyst comment

By Andrea Mandala

MILAN, Oct 10 (Reuters) -Italy's fourth-largest bank BPER EMII.MI said onThursday it would pay shareholders an average of 75% of profits through 2027, and bet on strong fee growth to sustain its net income as interest rates decline, sending its shares up 6%.

The increase of BPER's payout ratio from slightly below 30% in 2023 will put it ahead of sector leader Intesa Sanpaolo ISP.MI, and benefit top investor Unipol US.MI, Italy's No.2 insurer which has backed its expansionover the past few years.

"We appreciate BPER's new approach, which moves away from overly conservative assumptions, revealing the true potential of the bank," Jefferies analysts said in a note.

BPER shares outperformed Italy's banking sector .FTITLMS3010 this year, thanks to its higher-than-average sensitivity to interest rates, which analysts said gave the bank an extra gear in terms of profitability.

BPER has grown rapidly through acquisitions in recent years, nearly doubling its total assets.

The bank presented a new multi-year strategy after naming veteran UniCredit banker Gianni Franco Papa as its new chief executive this year.

"This plan is realistic and straightforward," Papa said in a statement.

BPER plans to return to investors 3.2 billion euros in cash dividends in 2025-2027, against cumulated net profits whichare forecast to total 4.3 billion euros over the same period.

While the acquisitions have boosted BPER's revenues, they have also entailed high integration costs, such as those needed to fund accords with unions for voluntary early exits of staff, causing BPER to fall behind peers in shareholder remuneration.

As rising interest rates drove their profits to record levels in the past few years, Italian banks have boosted rewards for investors through dividends and share buybacks.

BPER forecast a 2027 net profit of 1.5 billion euros, compared with the 1.3 billion it expects in 2024.

Net fees will be the main profit driver, with a projected annual growth of 3.8% on average in 2024-2027, while net interest income is seen falling 1.8% a year over the period, despite plans to grow net customer loans by about 3% a year.

Despite the generous payouts, BPER aims to reach the end of the plan with a stable core capital ratio of 14.5%.

BPER said it would invest 650 million euros through 2027 in technology, including artificial intelligence tools.

Reporting by Andrea Mandalà; Editing by Valentina Za and Clarence Fernandez


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