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Italy - Factors to watch on July 29

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vowed on Sunday to "relaunch" cooperation with China, signing a three-year action plan during her first official visit to Beijing since taking office.

The Italian leader also said that an industrial cooperation memorandum signed by Italy and China includes strategic industrial sectors such as electric mobility and renewables.


The Bank of Italy said on Friday the country's lenders had a limited exposure to Portugal's residential property market and there was no need to ask them to hold additional capital against such exposure.

ISTAT releases June non-EU foreign trade data (0800 GMT).


The Treasury said on Friday it had cancelled the medium-long term bond auction scheduled for August 13 and inflation-linked BTPei auction scheduled for August 27. Other auctions, including the Bill sale scheduled for August 9, will be held regularly.



The Franco-German aerospace giant Airbus has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Italian defence group to strengthen cooperation in the Nh90 military helicopter, Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury told Il Sole-24 Ore in an interview published on Sunday.


Global commodity trader Vitol is not worried about the low acceptance rate of its mandatory tender offer for Italian oil refiner Saras SRS.MI, its CEO Russell Hardy told Il Sole-24 Ore in an interview on Saturday.

"In any case, we also feel comfortable as shareholders in a listed company: we already have experience in this role in two companies with which we have long-standing ties, both taken over by Shell," Hardy said referring to Vivo Energy, which was listed in London for four years before Vitol took full control and privatised it, and Viva, which is still listed in Australia.


(*) RBC on Monday raised the energy group's rating to 'Outperform' from 'Sector Perform'.

ENI could pocket more than 8 billion euros ($8.69 billion) in net proceeds from disposals by 2027, CEO Claudio Descalzi said on Friday after the group reported second-quarter results ahead of consensus.


Power grid operator reported on Friday a 23% annual rise in its core earnings for the first half of the year, mainly thanks to an increase in revenues from regulated activities.


The steelmaker recorded sales above target at the end of its financial year to June, "in line with market expectations if not slightly higher," CEO Giacomo Mareschi Danieli told Corriere della Sera's L'Economia on Monday.

He added he sees a "similar and positive" trend in 2024-2025, with orders slightly above 6 billion euros.

The group is still looking at international growth, especially in Mexico, Bangladesh and Brazil, but is not interested in buying the steelworks of Acciaierie d'Italia (ADI), formerly known as Ilva, Mareschi Danieli said.


Rating agency Fitch confirmed the utility's 'BBB' rating and cut its outlook to 'stable' from 'positive'.


Board meeting on H1 results, followed by conference call (1500 GMT).


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni continues her state visit to China; ends on July 31.

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

FTSE IT allshare index .FTITLMS

FTSE Mib index........ .FTMIB

FTSE Allstars index... .FTSTAR

FTSE Mid Cap index.... .FTITMC

Block trades.......... .BLK.MI

Stories on Italy...... IT-LEN

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European Equities speed guide...................EUR/EQUITY

FTSEurofirst 300 index...............................FTEU3

DJ STOXX index.......................................STOXX

Top 10 STOXX sectors............................PGL.STOXXS

Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors.......................PGL.STOXXES

Top 10 Eurofirst 300 sectors....................PGL.FTEU3S

Top 25 European pct gainers........................PG.PEUR

Top 25 European pct losers.........................PL.PEUR

Main stock markets:

Dow Jones................DJI Wall Street report ......N

Nikkei 225..............N225 Tokyo report.............T

FTSE 100................FTSE London report............L

Xetra DAX..............GDAXI Frankfurt market stories.F

CAC-40..................FCHI Paris market stories....PA

World Indices.....................................0#.INDEX

Reuters survey of world bourse outlook.........EQUITYPOLL1

Western European IPO diary..........................WEUIPO

European Asset Allocation........................EUR/ASSET

Reuters News at a Glance: Equities...............TOP/EQE

Main currency report:...............................FRX/

($1 = 0.9206 euros)


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