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Hurricane exposes Texan bigger-not-better ethos

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The authors are Reuters Breakingviews columnists. The opinions expressed are their own.

By Lauren Silva Laughlin and Robert Cyran

NEW YORK, July 11 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Roughly 1 million people in Texas’s second-largest city are without power after Hurricane Beryl landed nearby. Utility CenterPoint Energy CNP.N has said electricity won’t be completely restored to Houston for days. In the meantime, residents are boiling water to drink, and are looking to fast-food restaurant Whataburger to track where the lights may be turned on. Such is life in a fast-growing metropolitan area where policy favored companies for too long.

The Lone Star state prides itself on being business-friendly, and its lack of personal and corporate income tax has attracted companies like AT&T T.N, Dell Technologies DELL.N, American Airlines AAL.O, and Exxon Mobil XOM.N. The population has surged 38% over 20 years, more than twice the national rate, with recent boosts from incentives for companies like Toyota Motor 7203.T and other manufacturers that build new facilities. The population in the Houston suburb of Fulshear grew 26% last year, 51 times the nation’s average.

Infrastructure hasn’t kept up. Journeys on the area’s roads take 30% longer in the morning, and 19% in the afternoon, than they did in 2022, according to Houston Transtar. The city is the second worst in the country for affordable housing, with just 15 domiciles available per 100 people who need them. And the government predicts rising demand for drinking water, and declining supplies unless policy changes.

The troubles in the utility sector are an extension of these policies. Like the rest of the United States, the industry in Texas is run mostly by companies. But state officials are tasked with ensuring power is safely and consistently offered to residents. They do this by forcing investment to shore up the grid. But unlike the interconnected grid in the United States, Texas operates on its own. Some lawmakers worry that the isolated grid has put Texas at a greater risk of blackouts, and are looking for Federal oversight.

Prior warnings have gone unheeded. In 2011, a cold snap knocked out power plants, causing blackouts. The Texas government ignored calls to force utilities to invest more. Only after this happened again in 2021 did the state begrudgingly force companies to act. Texas may be enamored with letting business do their own thing, but residents sitting in darkness drinking boiled water seems like too high a price for that kind of freedom.

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Hurricane Beryl hit Houston on the morning of July 8, with sustained winds exceeding 70 miles per hour.

Local electric and gas utility CenterPoint Energy said over 2.2 million customers were affected by the Category 1 hurricane. CenterPoint said it had restored power to over 1 million by the morning of July 10.

Graphic: Texas grows fast, its cities even faster https://reut.rs/4bD9QzO

Editing by John Foley and Sharon Lam


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