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House Dems urge NLRB probe of Google's alleged union busting

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By Daniel Wiessner

May 30 (Reuters) -Dozens of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday urged the National Labor Relations Board to swiftly investigate claims that Alphabet's Google illegally laid off workers who unionized, saying the case could have a national impact.

The 46 lawmakers in a letter to NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo said Google is flouting a January board decision requiring it to bargain with YouTube Music content moderators provided by staffing firm Cognizant who voted last year to join the Alphabet Workers Union. Google owns YouTube.

Google has appealed that board ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, saying that it is not the so-called "joint employer" of the YouTube Music workers because Cognizant controlled all of their working conditions.

The union has filed a dozen charges with the NLRB since January accusing Google of retaliation, coercive tactics and effectively firing the roughly 60 Austin, Texas-based workers in February by not renewing a contract with Cognizant.

"The NLRB's response to the termination of YouTube Music workers and alleged labor practice complaints may set important precedent for workers and companies across America," the lawmakers wrote.

An NLRB spokeswoman declined to comment.

"Google does not control the employment terms or conditions of these Cognizant workers, including staffing. We'll continue to assert our position that we’re not a joint employer,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement.

Parul Koul, a software engineer and the president of the Alphabet Workers Union, said the workers were grateful that the House members had taken up their cause.

“If Google is allowed to violate its legal responsibilities to its workers and ignore the directives of the National Labor Relations Board in this case, it will set a terrible precedent for the future of workers’ rights in this country," Koul said in a statement.

The letter to Abruzzo was spearheaded by Reps. Greg Casar of Texas, whose district includes Austin, Donald Norcross of New Jersey, Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, Debbie Dingell of Michigan and Steven Horsford of Nevada.

Google has faced an uptick in labor organizing in the United States and abroad in recent years, including a series of worker protests over the company's business and employment policies.

In November, a group of about 120 employees of Google contractor Accenture who work on artificial intelligence applications voted to unionize. Google claims it is not the joint employer of those workers and is challenging the results of that election.

And the company in April said it was eliminating requirements that U.S. suppliers and staffing firms pay their employees at least $15 an hour and provide health insurance and other benefits, in part to make clear that the company is not a joint employer of contract workers.

Read more:

Google must bargain with YouTube worker union, US labor board rules

Google scraps minimum wage, benefits rules for suppliers and staffing firms

Google workers form small union, eyeing more protests over working conditions

Ex-Google workers say firings for protesting Israel contract were illegal

Reporting by Daniel Wiessner in Albany, New York


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