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Good luck finding a new Boston Celtics pot of gold

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. Updates with links.

By Jennifer Saba

NEW YORK, July 2 (Reuters Breakingviews) -The owners of the Boston Celtics will be taking home more than just the National Basketball Association’s championship trophy. Two weeks after the storied franchise was crowned the league’s best, a group led by venture capitalist Wyc Grousbeck is putting it up for sale. There’s a pot of gold awaiting existing investors in the leprechaun-logoed team, but repeating the feat will take uncommonly good luck.

The controlling family said on Monday it is exiting after some two decades of stewardship for estate-planning purposes. Bain Capital Chairman Steve Pagliuca, another Celtics backer, expressed interest in bidding for a bigger stake.

In 2002, the consortium paid $360 million for the Celtics and now joins a string of others cashing out. Billionaire Mark Cuban sold his majority position in the Dallas Mavericks, the NBA’s runner-up, to the Adelson and Dumont families behind the Las Vegas Sands LVS.N casino empire. Phoenix, Charlotte and Milwaukee clubs were up for grabs last year, too.

Those transactions were valued at about 11 times revenue on average, according to JPMorgan analysts. The Celtics brand and on-court success probably warrant something closer to, or beyond, the top end of the range. The team generated about $440 million in sales, per JPMorgan, which also estimates 9% growth a year. Put those numbers on roughly the same 13 times multiple at which the Phoenix Suns were valued in a 2023 deal and the Celtics enterprise would be worth more than $6 billion.

At that price, Grousbeck would realize an annualized return of about 13%. The S&P 500 Index .SPX, by comparison generated 10%. Private equity yielded 12% over two decades, according to calculations by pension fund Calpers.

The next investors will have a tall order. Broadcast rights account for roughly half the league’s revenue. Pending 10-year agreements with Amazon.com AMZN.O, Comcast’s CMCSA.O NBC and Walt Disney DIS.N would reap $7 billion a year, or 250% more than the 2015 deals. Player salary caps have only doubled over the same span, leaving plenty of margin for new owners to make the Celtics more than just a trophy asset.

And yet Beantown star forward Jayson Tatum just agreed to the largest contract in NBA history, according to ESPN. Moreover, sports on streaming video is a rapidly changing business. Come the next round of talks, traditional TV networks will be weaker and online audiences potentially fragmented and worth less to advertisers. Another market-beating return on the Celtics will be as elusive as a four-leaf clover.

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The owners of the Boston Celtics said on July 1 that they intend to sell the professional U.S. basketball team because of the controlling family’s estate considerations.

Wyc Grousbeck of Highland Capital and Stephen Pagliuca of private equity firm Bain Capital together bought the National Basketball Association franchise in 2002 for $360 million.

Pagliuca said in a statement on social media network X that he plans to be a bidder.

Editing by Jeffrey Goldfarb and Sharon Lam


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