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Brazil lower house passes payroll tax waivers bill with bank funds provision

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Adds context, further comments

By Marcela Ayres

BRASILIA, Sept 12 (Reuters) -Brazil's lower house of Congress on Thursday passeda bill with compensation measures for costly payroll tax waivers granted to companies in certain sectors and small municipalities, including a controversial provision to use unclaimed funds held in banks.

The proposal, which now requires presidential approval, fully maintains the tax waivers in 2024, foreseeing a three-year phase-out.

It includes an amendment stipulating that the Treasury will appropriate forgotten funds in financial institutions as primary revenue, helping the government meet its fiscal target.

On Wednesday, the central bank said in a technical note distributed to lawmakers that these funds, estimated by the government at around 8 billion reais ($1.41 billion), could not be used for these purposes according to its methodology.

In an amendment to the bill addressing the issue, lawmakers removed a provision that they would be used "for all purposes of fiscal statistics and the calculation of the primary balance."

Instead, the final text stated the unclaimed funds would count "for the purposes of verifying compliance with the primary balance target" - a responsibility that does not formally belong to the central bank, even though its methodology serves as the basis for verifying compliance.

According to a source familiar with the talks, that effectively ensures no interference with the central bank's statistics while providing legal backing for the government to include forgotten funds as part of its primary fiscal efforts.

"What gets tarnished is the credibility of the fiscal picture," said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity.

This year’s fiscal target is a zero primary deficit, with a tolerance margin of 0.25% of gross domestic product (GDP), meaning the government could post a deficit of about 29 billion reais and still meet the goal.

The government estimates that payroll tax waivers will have a negative fiscal impact of 26 billion reais this year.

The bill includes other compensatory measures, which Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said in a radio interview earlier on Thursday should provide the necessary offset for 2024.

Among them are a program to renegotiate fines imposed by federal agencies such as environmental regulator Ibama, a program for repatriating funds held abroad, and another for updating the assets of individuals and businesses in the income tax system.

($1 = 5.6659 reais)

Reporting by Marcela Ayres; editing by Gabriel Araujo and Alistair Bell


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