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Bayer heads to trial in US antitrust lawsuit over flea, tick medication

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By Mike Scarcella

July 22 (Reuters) -A former unit of German life-sciences giant Bayer BAYGn.DE is squaring off in California federal court this week with a petcare startup that claims the company tried to block competition for animal tick and flea treatments.

Jurors in San Jose federal court heard opening statements on Monday in the antitrust case, which was brought by Tevra Brands in 2019 against Bayer Healthcare.

Tevra's lawsuit challenged a discount Bayer provided to some pet specialty retailers and distributors to exclusively carry its products and not to do business with rivals.

“Bayer made it harder and harder for retailers to carry generics," Daniel Owen, a lawyer for Tevra, told the jury on Monday.

Bayer's lawyer Daniel Asimow countered that Tevra failed because it was slow to get to market and had poor relationships with retailers. He told jurors that Bayer competed fairly in a market "crowded" with rivals.

"Generic companies have flourished — just not Tevra," Asimow said.

The trial is expected to last two weeks. Bayer has denied wrongdoing.

Bayer sold Bayer Animal Health, a Bayer Healthcare unit, five years ago to Elanco Animal Health ELAN.N in a $7.6 billion deal. Elanco is not a defendant. Bayer referred a request for comment to Elanco, which did not immediately respond to an inquiry.

Tevra’s attorneys declined to comment.

Americans spend billions of dollars a year on tick and flea treatment for pets, according to an expert for the plaintiffs.

Tevra said it was competing with Bayer’s Advantage and Advantix topical flea and tick treatments, and lost millions of dollars in revenue from its inability to more widely distribute its generic topical imidacloprid, the active ingredient in tick and flea treatment for cats and dogs.

The lawsuit said Bayer’s alleged scheme “ensured that both retailers and consumers pay supra-competitive prices.”

Tevra told the court last week that its co-founder and chairman of the board, Robert Scharf, was expected to testify “about the lucrative opportunity for a generic imidacloprid topical.”

Bayer has argued that its discount program was voluntary.

“The record evidence makes clear that retailers were free to purchase from other suppliers,” Bayer said in a court filing last week.

The case is Tevra Brands LLC v. Bayer Healthcare LLC, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, No. 5:19-cv-04312.

For Tevra: Daniel Owen of Polsinelli

For Bayer: Daniel Asimow and Sonia Pfaffenroth of Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer

Read more:

Bayer must face US company's flea and tick drug antitrust lawsuit

Reporting by Mike Scarcella


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