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Anti-obesity drugmakers savor pandemic leftovers

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By Robert Cyran

NEW YORK, May 1 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Eli Lilly LLY.N and Novo Nordisk NOVOb.CO have a luxury problem, one they’re solving quickly. The two drugmakers worth a combined $1.2 trillion cannot produce enough of their injectable anti-obesity treatments to meet extraordinary demand. As it happens, the pandemic left behind infrastructure useful in producing and delivering them. If supply concerns are on their way to being eased, it helps justify the lofty valuations.

Sales of Mounjaro and Zepbound, Lilly’s two brands prescribed alternately for diabetes and weight loss, reached $2.3 billion in the first quarter, nearly quadruple the sum a year ago, the company said on Tuesday. Novo Nordisk probably will unveil similarly impressive figures on Thursday.

Both are increasing in-house production capacity as investors seem to support allocating capital to the giant, and rapidly swelling, market. Novo’s parent company in February agreed to buy contract drug manufacturer Catalent CTLT.N in a deal worth $11.5 billion, including debt, and then agreed to sell three plants that specialize in filling injectors with medicine to its subsidiary. Catalent’s share price had plunged post-pandemic, so Novo got a good deal. For its part, Lilly bought a plant for injectable medicines last month.

More of the industry is making shrewd use of manufacturing capabilities built up during the pandemic. Thermo Fisher Scientific TMO.N, a Catalent rival, said earlier this year that it was remodeling a factory used for Covid-19 vaccines to produce anti-obesity drugs. Likewise, Becton Dickinson BDX.N, one of the world’s biggest syringe producers, invested $1.2 billion to lift output at the height of Covid-19, capacity that has been repurposed.

Smaller links in the chain also are taking advantage of the opportunity. For example, $26 billion West Pharmaceutical Services WST.N, which churns out medicine vials and rubber stoppers for them, increased revenue more than 50% between 2019 and 2021 thanks to vaccine demand, growth that slipped to 2% in 2023. But it doubled capex as a percentage of sales last year, to 12%, to eliminate backlogs and capitalize on the weight-loss boom.

The Lilly and Novo enterprises now trade respectively at about 16 times and 10 times expected sales over the next 12 months, according to estimates on LSEG, which suggests swelling confidence in the companies’ ability to satisfy patients eager for prescriptions. Swift mobilization on supply also gives them a better chance at securing bigger slugs of a market JPMorgan analysts say will exceed $100 billion by 2030. Call it another Covid booster.

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Eli Lilly on April 30 raised its revenue forecast for 2024 by $2 billion thanks to rising demand and production of diabetes treatment Mounjaro and weight-loss drug Zepbound. The company now expects $42.4 billion to $43.6 billion of revenue.

Mounjaro sales more than tripled in the first quarter, to $1.8 billion, from the same period a year earlier. Zepbound revenue was $517 million in the quarter. There is no comparative figure as the drug was only approved in November.

Lilly said short- to mid-term sales growth of the two drugs would mainly be a function of how much it can produce and ship. The company said it expects sellable doses in the second half of 2024 to be at least 50% higher than production in the second half of 2023.

Graphic: The Lilly obesity premium keeps going up https://reut.rs/3Qrsgvx

Editing by Jeffrey Goldfarb and Sharon Lam


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