XM Donates to Cyprus Autism Society

Posted on May 23, 2022 at 12:02 pm GMT. Read More CSR

XM made a charity contribution this spring in solidarity with the worldwide growing charity campaigns run in support of over 75 million people affected by autism spectrum disorder.

To express its solidarity, XM donated to the Cyprus Autism Society, the mission of which is to make a difference to the life of young autistic individuals who’s social, communication and learning skills can show significant improvements when early intervention is made.

Furthermore, on 2nd April, in honour of the international World Autism Awareness Day dedicated to raising awareness of individuals with ASD, XM lit up its headquarters in blue.

With every step taken for a better life for autistic people, we believe that apart from awareness everyone’s help, no matter how big or small, is a step forward. Join XM in making a difference by donating here.