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XM and Loving Hands for Ugandan Children

Posted on May 13, 2019 at 6:20 am GMT

Direct engagement in charitable work is the main purpose of the XM Foundation. While our humanitarian missions embrace a diverse range of charity activities, we also join forces with foundations that serve the well-being of people on the fringes of society. Following our team members’ trip to Uganda in 2017 to attend the inauguration of the new Aristotle school block built by XM for the children of the Young Comrades Primary School in Wakiso, this year we joined forces with [..]


XM Charity with ActionAid – Hand in Hand to Support Children

Posted on May 3, 2019 at 12:18 pm GMT

Started in 2017, the XM initiative to join forces with ActionAid and contribute to the organization’s international Child Support Program continues this year. In today’s world, where the number of children suffering from extreme poverty and numerous health and social disadvantages is rapidly increasing, the XM Foundation does everything in its power to help the affected communities and alleviate the austere circumstances they are exposed to. Dedicated to improving the life standard of children across the world, the aim of [..]


XM Charity Donations for Children’s Welfare in Southeast Asia

Posted on March 28, 2019 at 11:49 am GMT

During March, XM organized as many as two consecutive charity donations in Southeast Asia, both of which were intended to support the mission of the XM Foundation to contribute to children’s welfare in a meaningful way. The child-focused initiatives, which took place in Indonesia on 20th March and later in Malaysia on 21st March, aimed to take a positive stance towards the sustainable development, health and well-being of children in need and to ensure equal opportunities for minors living on [..]

XM Donates for Children’s Welfare in South Africa

Posted on October 25, 2018 at 6:38 am GMT

The charity initiations of the XM Foundation are spanning the globe, reaching through to individuals and communities in need, with the aim to contribute to their welfare in a meaningful way. Staying true to our commitment that financial help and moral support know no borders, no matter when and where it is needed, some of our dedicated team members travelled as far as South Africa on behalf of XM to join forces with Food Forward SA (FFSA). As the Cape [..]


XM Charity Initiative in Makati, Philippines

Posted on October 2, 2018 at 6:45 am GMT

Earlier this autumn, XM started a charity initiative in the Philippines to proactively contribute to the wellbeing of people struggling with disabilities. By joining forces with KAISAKA, a community-based rehabilitation program for the alleviation of disadvantages of people with disabilities, on 21st September XM visited the urban poor community of Makati in the Metro Manila region of the Philippines to donate for the local disabled people and their families. Since its beginning, the aim of the XM humanitarian action has [..]


XM Charity Donation After Lombok Earthquake

Posted on September 7, 2018 at 12:13 pm GMT

As a vital part of the corporate social responsibility of XM, helping individuals and communities in need comes first – and most of all, with continued dedication. The Indonesian island of Lombok, which was hit by a devastating, over 6.9 magnitude, earthquake on 5th August 2018, witnessed one of a long series of drastic natural disasters characteristic of islands located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. XM’s intervention to alleviate the pain and worries of those in need was [..]


XM Donates Aid to Victims of Ravaging Wildfires in Greece

Posted on July 31, 2018 at 12:24 pm GMT

As an initiative to relieve the damages caused by the devastating wildfires in Greece this July, XM donated 5,000 EUR to the victims and their families to at least partly relieve the unprecedented trauma that they had suffered. The death toll of over 70 people and the number of some 200 survivors who suffered heavily from the fast-moving wildfires that started around Athens, the Greek capital, rose by the day, resulting in over 700 people having been evacuated from mainly [..]

XM Charity Event to Help Children in Need

Posted on April 11, 2018 at 6:41 am GMT

On 3rd April, XM held a charity event in collaboration with the Foundation for Slum Child Care, in Bangkok, Thailand, to contribute to a better life quality of children in need. As the aim of the XM Foundation is to make a positive difference to the life of individuals, an essential part of its humanitarian action is dedicated to helping underprivileged children in a meaningful way. The charity event that took place in Bangkok on 3rd April served this very [..]


Planting Trees for the Future – XM on Mission in Indonesia

Posted on March 20, 2018 at 7:43 am GMT

In the past few years, XM has made continuous efforts in different parts of the world to turn its corporate social responsibility initiatives into action. The latest such event took place in Indonesia, where the need for environmental protection is critical. No matter which part of the globe we live in, the environment and the ecosystem have a direct impact on our lives. At XM we are not only aware of this but we also take action to protect these [..]


XM Charity Event for the Welfare of Children

Posted on March 20, 2018 at 7:42 am GMT

On 7th March this year, XM has yet again stayed true to the belief that charitable contributions can make a difference when it comes to safeguard the welfare of children. XM’s corporate social responsibility encompasses quite a variety of activities, one of which has always been in the forefront: the welfare of children. We continue being committed to this noble cause the primary objective of which is to help children in need, support child health, and act in a socially [..]

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