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XM Donates to Doctors Without Borders

Posted on January 4, 2021 at 1:02 pm GMT

This holiday season, XM is offering 9,200 vaccines to children around the world through Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders is an international humanitarian medical non-governmental organisation best known for its projects in conflict zones and in countries affected by endemic diseases. For Doctors Without Borders, the ability to respond quickly to medical humanitarian emergencies is crucial to saving lives. XM is committed to supporting Doctors Without Borders so they can offer the best possible care to every patient. [..]


XM Donates to Dompet Dhuafa

Posted on December 24, 2020 at 7:00 am GMT

The Covid-19 pandemic is still affecting poor communities around the world the most. Many people forced into destitute from the effects of the pandemic on global economy, find themselves unable to sustain, support and protect their families. In our bid to help people in dire need, and as one of our corporate social responsibility initiatives, we have donated to Dompet Dhuafa’s #MelawanCOVID-19 (Come Together Against Corona) charity project to help provide food, health services and sanitation to Babakan Pasar Village, [..]


XM Supports Families and Children

Posted on December 23, 2020 at 7:50 am GMT

For this Christmas, on 16th December, XM bought and delivered 60 gifts for children, ages 3 months to 18 years old, at the Kofinou refugee shelter. On 18th December, XM also bought 5 computers for Hope for Children shelters in Nicosia and Larnaca, to cover for the distance learning needs of some sheltered children. Additionally, volunteer XM employees delivered 70 blankets, boxes with chocolates and vouchers from clothing stores. Lastly, XM supported the Run for Life fundraising initiative to buy, [..]


XM Donates to OrphanCare Children’s Charity

Posted on December 22, 2020 at 8:35 am GMT

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and caring family environment. But for the thousands of children left orphaned and abandoned across Malaysia, these conditions are sadly not being met. Impaired by inadequate access to education, childcare, and emotional support, institutionalised children lack the nurturing surroundings needed to grow and develop. In its efforts to provide loving homes for disadvantaged children, OrphanCare offers professional deinstitutionalisation and adoption services across Malaysia, along with local community programs, to help get [..]


XM Supports ACT Indonesia During Pandemic

Posted on November 26, 2020 at 9:17 am GMT

It is an unfortunate fact that the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the economy of the world to the point where the poor and less fortunate are the most vulnerable of all societal groups. Without the means to protect or sustain themselves and their families, especially when unemployed because of the pandemic, impoverished and less-fortunate communities all over the world strive to make ends meet and their survival is at stake. As part of our corporate social responsibility policies and [..]


XM Environmental Efforts

Posted on November 6, 2020 at 9:06 am GMT

Beaches are important places for recreation and fishing. And while we seemingly recognize their value and importance, we keep destroying the aesthetics of the landscape and polluting the ecosystem and marine organisms with residential, commercial and industrial waste. Our waste is aggressively invading the food-chain to the extent of affecting both basic and complex lifeforms that mistake it for food. As a result, there is a very high likelihood of having waste end up in our food and meals. The [..]


XM Donates to Malaysian Federation of the Deaf

Posted on August 18, 2020 at 8:35 am GMT

The Coronavirus pandemic is extracting a heavy toll on public health and is negatively affecting both individual economies and the global economy at large. As a result, often lacking access to resources and information that can help them protect against COVID-19, the less fortunate are the most vulnerable. On the 5th of August, as one of our social responsibility initiatives, our team in Malaysia donated medical and educational resources to the Malaysian Federation of the Deaf. Our medical supplies donation [..]


XM Donates Food to the Poor in Latin America

Posted on August 12, 2020 at 12:26 pm GMT

So far, as part of our corporate social responsibility initiatives for 2020, we supported 3 different food charities in Latin America to help the poor get the food they need to survive. On the 19th of March, we donated food supplies such as black beans, rice, noodle soups, salt, flour, tuna, oil, sugar and soluble coffee to Maka Mexico to help artisan women from the Chiapas community to continue the support of their families. On the 2nd of June, we [..]


XM Grants Wishes of Critically Ill Children

Posted on August 10, 2020 at 1:50 pm GMT

For children fighting critical illnesses, fulfilling a wish has the power to positively transform their life and aid their healing journey. Research shows that children whose wish has been granted can regain much needed physical and emotional strength to endure and heal. For this reason, we remain committed to granting the wishes of children with critical illnesses in cooperation with Make a Wish Greece. In July 2020, XM granted the wishes of four little Heroes, 2 girls and 2 boys, [..]


XM Donates to the Lebanese Red Cross

Posted on August 6, 2020 at 11:35 am GMT

The massive explosion that happened on the 4th of August at the Beirut Port has shocked the entire world. With many dead, thousands wounded, about 50% of the city seriously damaged and an unknown number of people still trapped under collapsed ruins, this is a devastating disaster for the city of Beirut. We are expressing our deepest sympathy, support and solidarity to the people of Beirut by donating a substantial amount to the Lebanese Red Cross to help rescue as [..]

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