XM Supporting Orphans and Homeless in Iraq

Posted on November 1, 2023 at 9:30 am GMT. Read More CSR

XM has once again partnered with the Nobles Charitable Foundation and the Shareteah Humanitarian Organization in Iraq to support homeless and orphaned children from Baghdad and Dohuk stay in education.

This year, in addition to donating towards school supplies like bags, notebooks, stationery and uniforms, we have also supported funding the creation of library centres. Most of the children these charities provide for, live without the support and care of a family. Without the support of these charities they would struggle to meet the basic costs of going to school and are being forced to drop out.

There are over 5 million orphans and over 1 million displaced children in Iraq and many are unable to go to school due to financial reasons. Without education they are left without the tools or skills to build a better future for themselves.

Nobles Charitable Foundation and Shareteah Humanitarian Organization support homeless children and orphans. Many are affected by war. Their focus is on education which ranges from providing school supplies and uniforms to private lessons.

Making quality education more accessible is one of the many goals of our Corporate Social Responsibility programme. XM is proud to support charities and organisations committed to providing schooling for children in difficult circumstances and more collaborations are planned for the future.

If you want to learn more about their work or make your own contribution, visit the Nobles Charitable Foundation website here, and the Shareteah Humanitarian Organization here.