XM does not provide services to residents of the United States of America.
Humanitarian Action - Creating Equal Opportunities

Our mission is to make a positive difference to the life of individuals, irrespective of their culture, religion,
or ethnic background, and help them achieve their potential.

Education and Skills Development

Initiating projects that help individuals gain access to education and develop vocational skills

International Aid

Joining forces with local and internationally active human aid foundations

Our vision is to make a positive impact on thequality of life of people across the world.

Our Latest Humanitarian Missions


XM Empowers Orphan Ugandan Girls

Posted on July 22, 2020 at 7:34 am GMT

In July 2020, XM renewed its annual support and collaboration with Go with the Flow, a charity group on a mission to address sanitary concerns and problems of less fortunate girls in Uganda in order to enable them to have the normal lives they deserve. Every month at the Monde Orphanage in rural Uganda, young girls skip some days of school because they don’t have access to sanitary products. Instead, they use rags or leaves which is highly unhygienic, uncomfortable [..]


XM Donates to Maison Chance Foundation for the Benefit of Children

Posted on July 3, 2020 at 9:08 am GMT

On 24th June, XM completed one more charity initiative by making a charity donation to the Vietnamese Maison Chance Foundation. Since the beginning, our company’s corporate social responsibility actions have attributed much importance to the support of underprivileged children whose health, education and future are at stake. This is again what we kept in sight when joining forces with the Ho Chi Minh City-based non-governmental organisation Maison Chance, whose mission is to ensure a safe haven and the necessary means [..]


XM Donates to Bangkok Hospital to Combat Covid-19

Posted on June 12, 2020 at 6:35 am GMT

With the aim to help frontline workers exposed to the Covid-19 pandemic in their daily devoted work, XM donated a considerable amount of funds to the Bangkok-based Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital on 22nd May. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, XM has taken initiatives to do its share of corporate social responsibility by donating funds to health institutions in need that go the extra mile to treat Covid-19 infections. As the number of worldwide infections has exceeded 7 million by now, [..]


XM Donates to GMA Kapuso Foundation to Suppress COVID-19

Posted on May 15, 2020 at 8:38 am GMT

In an attempt to contribute to the societal goals of many different countries and vulnerable communities in need of support, on 7th May XM donated funds to the Philippines-base GMA Kapuso Foundation to suppress COVID-19 in the Philippines. The worldwide desperate measures to provide treatment for people infected with COVID-19, as well as to protect the health of those exposed to it, continues in the Philippines, too, where foundations such as GMA Kapuso are raising donations in support of as [..]


XM Makes Further Donations to Support the Fight Against Covid-19

Posted on April 27, 2020 at 5:00 am GMT

XM continues making its philanthropic contributions to support the fierce fight against the novel coronavirus pandemic. XM fulfills its pledge to continue supporting local communities facing a crisis in Southeast Asia. Shortly after donating to the relief fund of the Vietnamese Saigon Children’s Charity foundation, further donations followed, and this time in support of the healthcare frontline workers and hospitals who take the lion’s share in saving lives. On 6th April, in collaboration with the Indonesian Hipwee, XM made a [..]


XM Donates to Covid-19 Relief Fund of Saigonchildren

Posted on April 21, 2020 at 8:45 am GMT

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, XM has thrown its weight behind alleviating the immense pressure that the novel coronavirus pandemic is putting on human lives. In an attempt to contribute to the relief efforts of communities in dire straits, on 15th April XM made a donation to the Covid-19 Emergency Support Fund of Saigon Children’s Charity CIO (Saigonchildren), a Vietnamese foundation dedicated to the helping disadvantaged children and young adults in Vietnam. While the global number of infections [..]


XM Donates to Famagusta General Hospital to Combat Covid-19

Posted on March 31, 2020 at 9:48 am GMT

On 30th March, XM made a donation to Cyprus-based Famagusta General Hospital with the aim to contribute to the tenacious fight against Covid-19. The unprecedentedly rapid spread of coronavirus infections has left numberless hospitals and clinics around the world on the brink of collapse, and Cyprus has not been spared, either. Famagusta General Hospital, which serves as the reference health care institution for patients infected with the novel coronavirus, is also facing a drastic emergency situation with the growing number [..]


XM Donates to the World Health Organization to Combat COVID-19

Posted on March 20, 2020 at 10:00 am GMT

In an attempt to alleviate the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), XM made a generous donation to the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 18th March. The coronavirus epidemic outbreak in December has rapidly reached unprecedented proportions, infecting over 200,000 people in over 160 countries and territories around the world by 17 March. While medical researchers worldwide are working round the clock to find and test a vaccine for the life-threatening COVID-19, the whole world shows solidarity and helps [..]


XM Donates to MAPFRE Panamerican University Community Center

Posted on March 11, 2020 at 10:31 am GMT

On 7th March this year, XM initiated yet another impactful corporate social responsibility event, this time in Mexico City, with the aim to make a donation to the MAPFRE Panamerican University Community Center. The recent event took place in cooperation with MAPFRE Foundation, which dedicates its versatile activities to improving the life quality, health and education of underprivileged people. As giving back to community is at the heart of all XM charity donations, our aim was to contribute in a [..]


XM Joins Hands with Aldeas Infantiles for Children’s Welfare

Posted on January 31, 2020 at 7:50 am GMT

On 6 December 2019, XM completed one of its recent successful charity events, this time in the Peruvian capital city, Lima, by joining forces with the local non-profit organization Aldeas Infantiles SOS. Started as an initiative to sensitize society on the importance of children’s welfare, education and human rights from an early age, our Latin American team members spent a day on the premises of Aldeas Infantiles SOS, contributing with a charity donation to support the organization’s noble mission. Our [..]

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