New XM Live Seminar in Malaysia

Posted on January 16, 2013 at 7:51 pm GMT. Read More XM Company News

XM is glad to announce their upcoming two-day-long live forex workshop in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, between 26-27 January 2013.

As the latest in a long series of on-site seminars held in different parts of the world since 2011, XM forex guru Avramis Despotis will once more initiate participants into the vibrant and challenging world of forex trading.

Beginner traders and seasoned investors will equally receive valuable information on the intrinsic relations of multiple time frames, as well as on the optimal ways to turn market volatility to their benefit.

With special focus on the most effective strategies needed for spotting out the best entry points, seminar partakers will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about intraday trading tactics and technical analysis details from internationally acknowledged XM forex guru Avramis Despotis.

The scope of the two-day seminar is thus to impart practical know-how of trading intraday swings, demonstrate participants in an interactive way how to benefit from volatility on a daily basis, and last but not least sensitize them to the “must haves” of a set of intraday trading rules for higher returns on investment.

Registration for the live seminar can be made here.