New XM Video Tutorials for iPad, iPhone, Android Trader

Posted on September 26, 2012 at 3:14 pm GMT. Read More XM Company News

After an impressive number of uniquely developed MT4 video tutorials, XM has recently launched new video tutorials on the use of iPad, iPhone and Droid Trader.

A new series of free to watch videos on mobile trading platforms enrich the XEpedia tutorial section of XM. The professionally developed videos provide practical guidance to clients and website visitors on the use of iPad Trader, iPhone Trader and Droid Trader.

From the basic steps of the XM trading platform installation on iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones to their actual operational details, the new video tutorials follow a consistent high-quality visual representation guideline.

This feature, along with the systematic structure of all functions of the iPad, iPhone and Droid Trader will surely come in handy for all those who want to have trading at their fingertips.