XM Donates to the National Cancer Society of Malaysia

Posted on May 6, 2021 at 12:03 pm GMT. Read More CSR

As part of XM’s ongoing efforts to help people in need across the globe, we recently donated to the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM).

The charity provides holistic treatment-related services to cancer patients, caregivers and the general public including cancer and health screening, nuclear medicine, children’s home, resource and wellness and quit smoking programs through specialized clinics. Donations help the charity make a positive impact on the lives of cancer patients by addressing shelter, health, education, and other cancer concerns.

The National Cancer Society of Malaysia was first established in 1966 by Malaysia’s first oncologist, the late Dato’ Dr S.K Dharmalingam and launched by then prime minister of Malaysia, the late YAB Tun Abdul Razak. It is currently under the patronage of His Royal Highness Sultan Paduka Seri, Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan, Sultan Nazrin Muizzudin Shah.

We fully support NCSM’s core principle of celebrating life through giving hope and its vision to eventually live in a world without cancer. XM is committed to helping those in need and the less fortunate around the world, with our ongoing and future social responsibility initiatives.

To learn more about the National Cancer Society Malaysia and to donate at your own discretion, please visit their website here.